The joy of motherhood

While doing my confinement, I get to spend a lot of time with my baby Izzie. I gotta prepare milk for her feeds, feed her, burp her, wash and sterilise her milk bottles, check her temperature, clean her pee, clean her poo, clear the diaper bin, prepare her bathing stuff, give her body wipes in the evenings, soothe her when she cries, wear her forever-coming-out mittens (eventhough we sew to make them smaller), swaddle her endless times coz she always comes out of the swaddle and the list hasn’t end. I get to listen to her coos, her cries, her farts, her burps. I get to see her funny facial expressions and bodily movements. Soo Chee and I would imitate her sometimes when we have couple time and we would laugh at our little princess. Haha!

It was especially tiring the first week she came home because it was challenging waking up every 2-3 hours for about an hour just to feed her, burp her, change her diapers and put her back to sleep. There were ‘fountain’ and flying poo incidents while changing her diapers!!

Over the past weeks, everyday I discover something new about her. Everyday I have something to laugh about. Everyday I bond closer to Izzie. I am starting to enjoy motherhood. Sometimes in the midst of tiredness and moodiness, all it takes is a smile given by Izzie. Whenever she cries (there is a certain degree of her crying intensity before I pick her up) and cuddle her close to me and she falls asleep and gives me smiles during her sleep, I feel everything is worth it. I would give my best to her.

Everyday she demands for milk, for care, everyday I clean her poo and pee, and everyday I soothe her discomfort is a good day and a day that I am thankful for!!

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