Super Saturday

Today I singlehandedly brought Izzie to church for the second time. I must say I feel more confident now. 🙂 It was a good time in church TV control room! I miss the control room happenings. Haha. It was kinda soothing when I heard “iso disc is loaded” ;p And to see how people react when there is a “mistake”.

Joanna, Feng, Liling and Karen Chua took turns to carry Izzie. Izzie is such an easy baby. She just likes to sleep when she is out of the home. Karen tried all ways but failed to wake Izzie up. Haha! Feng fed Izzie and Karen showed me how she burped Izzie. Oh a new revelation on how to prevent milk spills on oneself. Hehe.

It’s a great thing to bring baby out to socialize because it releases me from a world of just caring for my little one to a world which I could talk to my friends. It makes me feel that caring for Izzie is not such a heavy job after all. It could be fun and light hearted. Yay!! I am thankful for my friends…

Karen sent Izzie and me home after service. Jus bought me dinner and came to my house with Alicia to have dinner with me. I am grateful for super nice friends!

Izzie has been sleeping since 3pm today and she only wakes up for feeds. Yippie. Sleep tight baby 🙂

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