Saturday with my darling

Yesterday was the last day Isabel would be attending My World @ Sims. She would start next week in a new childcare nearer our home. We made that painful decision because it was getting difficult to travel with Isabel from home on the bus for an hour before she reaches childcare. She would often get very restless and fidgety on the bus. We were just feeling a little sentimental to have to pull her out of a good childcare that we have grown accustomed to. Her teacher, Teacher Sha gave her a farewell gift. How sweet!


B and I have been telling Isabel that she would be attending a new school next week. So today I decided to bring her to her new school to just familiarize her to the surroundings and I let her play at the playground nearby. When I showed her her new school which she went in once before, she told me that she wanted to go in and cried when I told her that we were not going in today. *sweat*
I allowed Izzie to play at the playground for a while. Initially she didn’t dare walk on the “slippery bridge” and I had to hold her hand to walk through the bridge twice before she was confident enough to do it on her own. I am so proud of my girl. 🙂

Next we went for lunch. It was such a hot weather and the forgetful me didn’t bring her water bottle. While having lunch, she kept asking for soup. Then when I ordered water for her, she drank a whole cup in one sitting. Sorry babe, mommy forgot your water bottle

Izzie drank one and a half cups of water. ;P


After lunch, we got some stuff and Izzie insisted on carrying the bags. I felt like a happy girlfriend on a shopping spree without needing to carry the shopping bags. Hehe


When we reached home I asked, “Izzie, do u like your new school?”

She said, “No!” 

Then I asked, “Do you like the playground near your school?”

She said, “Yes!”

I asked her again, “Do you like your new school?”

She said, “Yes!”


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