Funny convo with tod

Me: Mommy called Teacher Jane to say that you are not going to school today because the air is smelly (haze)

Izzie: *with the widest smile* Thank you very much
Me: Izzie, do you have money?

Izzie: Yes

Me: How much?

Izzie: Zero
Izzie: Mommy, you want to make it happier?

Me: How to make it happier?

Izzie: like that *she smiled*
I went over to Izzie coz she was crying. 

Me: What happened?

Izzie: Help me wipe the tears *pointed to the water droplets on the floor*
Izzie: Something come out

Me: What came out?

Izzie: the mucus
Izzie: why mommy bring out the tablet? X 3

Me: because the tablet is charged

Izzie: the tablet charged already. Woah. So nice. 

Daddy: it’s time to sleep now

Izzie: har? Why sleep again? 


12 Sept 2015


Izzie took a long while to nap yesterday. Same as Friday night. It hit my limit and I shouted at her “you are taking too long to sleep!” She tapped on my leg lightly and said softly “I love you” a few times till I acknowledge. When she still refused to sleep and did funny things (and I gave her a last warning), I caned her hard on her thigh. She cried softly, scratched the wounds and said “I love you”. I told her firmly why I caned her and she seemed to understand. Then I cuddled her and she fell asleep in my arms. My eyes got all blurred and I realized God’s love for us. When He “seemed hard”, He loves us a lot and it pains His heart too to discipline us, yet it is necessary. Izzie is special and precious. I love her more now. 😊 She is my very patient teacher 😭 #diaryofamommy


B released me to attend the end-times CWBS finale today. It would be my first time attending this three part bible study with Pastor Kong. B offered to take care of Izzie. 

I had a terrible headache at mid-day and was tempted to skip the bible study. As the headache got better, I decided to stay and meet my cell group member for dinner. I also decided to go for the first half of bible study. It was sooo good that I stayed for the entire duration. Thank you Jesus and B and cell group members. I was very blessed. 


We both woke up late today and decided to go to Refuel at Bedok Reservoir for brunch. The place has great natural lighting and is rather cosy. The food and coffee are nice! Price is reasonable too. We left with full stomachs and happy hearts. 

Next, we went grocery shopping as we decided to cook dinner. 


B agreed to cook char siew for the first time, according to my request. Yummay, it was really satisfying! Dinner was awesome because we felt so. 🙂

Thankful for the family time. No agenda. Get chores done. Not costly. Lots of family bonding. Lots of love. Just the three of us. 

The umbrella is a very much valued toy to my tod. Btw she chose her own ootd. Looking forward to more Sundays like these. 

Today Izzie and I bumped into Meng How after service. He was my first CHC HOD. It was a sweet meeting. I was touched at how he interacted with Izzie. Earlier this morning, I had taught Izzie the questions and answers:

Q1: What is your name?

A1: I’m Isabel

Q2: How old are you?

A2: I’m three years old

She absorbed rather quickly and those were the two questions Meng How asked her. It was good practice for her and she did very well. Haha!

I was reminded of how he prayed for me at Gleneagles when I was hospitalized for pregnancy complications and how I saw a vision of Izzie at week 28 during that prayer. He was a channel which gave me hope when all I knew was uncertainty. I was encouraged and have been blessed by this man of God!

12 August 2015

I was pleasantly surprised when I picked Izzie up this evening. Her hair was beautifully tied up and she looked really happy. 

I had alone time with her tonight as B was working and my mom had work assignment as well. Thankful that Izzie was easy especially during dinner time. I bought wanton mee for her and taught her how to say “Char Siew” in Cantonese as she kept calling the meat chicken. Just before bedtime she took the stirrer and “dotted” on me and said, “I’m painting mommy.” My heart is filled once again. 

2 August 2015

We had a wonderful time with the Ngs over dinner to celebrate Izzie’s 3rd birthday at Second Storey Cafe. It is a child-friendly restaurant and my current fave. Food is nice and price is reasonable. The kids could play (within sight) while the adults fellowship. How nice!

These are friends for life! The smiles on their faces … Priceless! Really thankful for this warm family. 🙂