New project

I am starting a new project this week and I need the sun’s help. Read on.

One of the little things that distressed me during my confinement was how messy my soft toys were.


It has always been like that. We have tried looking for storage shelves but the dimensions and the space we have did not match. After some discussion with Soo Chee, we decided to engage Joseph Yew to custom-build a display unit for me to put the soft toys nicely.


Measurements were taken and we endorsed the quotation. The unit was finally installed on Monday.

We have sent “Andrew” for a bath 2 weeks ago. On Sunday, we sent our bridal car bears for a bath. We are sending 3 bears (Samson, Koko and my graduation FF bear) to Penang for a bath. Why Penang? Coz my MIL said it is cheaper to dryclean in Penang. As for the rest of the bears, I would be bathing them bit by bit. 🙂


Day 1: Trial with small white bears


Day 2: Orange bears

I am excited about this project of decorating up my soft toys display unit. Cleaning and organizing my favourite things make me a very happy girl. Can’t wait for it to be completed! 🙂

Izzie the champ

Izzie is 2 months 2 weeks and is growing fast:

– She has graduated from newborn sized diapers to S sized diapers
– She is fast outgrowing her 0-3 months clothes
– She is fast outgrowing her mittens and booties
– She is fast outgrowing her pretty hats
– We no longer swaddle her
– She has graduated to using the bigger Dr Brown’s bottles
– She is almost 5 kg!!!
– She has slept through for more than a week

Proud of this champ!


Cot arrival

We bought a new cot for Izzie and it arrived yesterday. She slept well in it. 🙂
The previous cot given by my friend had two screws missing. We figured it couldn’t last long so decided to invest in a new cot for Izzie. Both Soo Chee and I like the new cot. We hope Izzie likes it too.


Milk overflow

This morning Izzie cried for milk after 2.5 hours. She finished the bottle pretty fast and it was time for a burp. She made a bit of noise and burped very soon accompanied by a spit up. The milk hit my face and flowed into my tee. A lot of it, it felt. Eeeuuu Izzie, why must you do that to mommy? And I caught her smiling to herself. *sweat*

Izzie turns 2 months on 1 Oct 2012

Izzie turns 2 months old on Monday. Looking back, she has grown indeed. She has grown chubbier, longer and more mature. Her feeding is more coordinated now, she used to get breathless while sucking the teat on the milk bottle. She has lesser hiccups and recently she sleeps tighter especially after 2pm. She is starting to grab things with her fingers. She has recently graduated from using newborn diapers to S size diapers. We are proud of Izzie’s progress.

I am starting to miss Izzie. I miss her ooooo facial expression that she used to do when she was younger. I notice she smiles to herself more often now.

I also miss the times she moved when I was pregnant with her… She is one active baby! The nurses have to adjust the CTG monitor on me very often while on CTG monitoring because she often moved after from the monitor. She moves as much, if not more, now. 🙂

I love my baby Izzie.
She melts my heart.


Mid autumn festival

I have always enjoyed mid autumn festival because I get to eat my favorite mooncakes. When I was younger, we would go to our maternal grandparents’ house and the whole extended family would get together to celebrate the festival. The adults would do their adult things, drink tea and chat while the kids would be outside playing with lanterns and candles and sparklers. Oh how I love playing as a kid especially with sparklers because they are so beautiful.

Today I went back to my mom’s place for dinner after a good 3 months. It was an awesome time with the family with the addition of Isabel. My mom cooked wonderful dishes and we got to eat mooncakes and pomelo and drank tea. Izzie was asleep throughout. Haha. 🙂 She received lovely presents from uncle Jervis. I must say this little cousin I have have really grown up to be a fine young man! I am so proud of him. 🙂



My parents with Izzie. Looking at it makes me feel good that Isabel has great grandparents who shower her with love. Yet I also realize my parents are getting older and I need to treasure them and love them while they are still around. I am abundantly blessed to belong to this family.