Izzie turns 2 months on 1 Oct 2012

Izzie turns 2 months old on Monday. Looking back, she has grown indeed. She has grown chubbier, longer and more mature. Her feeding is more coordinated now, she used to get breathless while sucking the teat on the milk bottle. She has lesser hiccups and recently she sleeps tighter especially after 2pm. She is starting to grab things with her fingers. She has recently graduated from using newborn diapers to S size diapers. We are proud of Izzie’s progress.

I am starting to miss Izzie. I miss her ooooo facial expression that she used to do when she was younger. I notice she smiles to herself more often now.

I also miss the times she moved when I was pregnant with her… She is one active baby! The nurses have to adjust the CTG monitor on me very often while on CTG monitoring because she often moved after from the monitor. She moves as much, if not more, now. 🙂

I love my baby Izzie.
She melts my heart.


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