Day 3

We had a good night’s rest. When we arrived at the Children’s Intensive Care Unit (CICU), Izzie was asleep and the nurse wasn’t around. But we saw a portable TV by her bedside. So I chose to believe that she was more awake and alert and they had to keep her entertained. Hehehe.

Victories today:
1. She went off oxygen which was put on her after they took out her breathing tube yesterday. She is breathing totally on her own and is able to maintain good oxygen saturation.
2. They took out the two tubes from her chest (for drainage of fluids).
3. She was fed 20ml glucose and tolerated well. Not enough in fact. Finished in seconds and cried for more. But they couldn’t up the volume because they didn’t want to stress the heart.
4.Another IV line, the arterial line (for measuring real time BP and blood drawing) has been removed + rectum thermometer was removed.
5. Izzie was moved out of CICU into Children’s Step Down Unit (CSDU) at 5pm today!
6. Izzie was given 20ml of milk at 8pm! First milk since 27 Aug, 1030pm!


What remains are the central venous line on her neck and the urine catheter. They are still measuring her output volume because it is borderline. One of the side effect of morphine. They are gradually her weaning off this painkiller.

God is good and Izzie is a fighter!!

Pastor Yong came by at noon to pray for Izzie. Wendy, Ting Ting, Audrey and Schumann bought lunch for us and an Elmo balloon for Izzie. My mom brought us dinner. I am grateful for them.

The hospital business office called us in the afternoon and asked if we wanted to downgrade Izzie from B2 to C class. Regardless of class (except A class which is not subsidised) the level of care at CICU, High Dependency (HD) ward and CSDU is the same. This means we get the same treatment despite paying less. Praise God! Psalm 23 became a living word to me: Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life.

While waiting this afternoon, I wandered off again to my spot in the garden but it rained and was wet so I went off to another place. There I re-watched last weekend’s service. My faith was built up. When I came back to CICU, the nurse informed me that they were preparing to move Izzie out of CICU to CSDU.

Keep speaking and thinking positive!

Since Izzie was born, she has been to all children’s hospital units: Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU), Special Care Nursery (SCN), normal children’s ward, HD ward, CICU and now CSDU. Indeed she is going places!!! She will proclaim God’s goodness and mercy.

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