Category Archives: Moments with Izzie

21 Aug – My day today

I met Chris at Ikea for lunch today. It was a simple and enjoyable time of catching up and Izzie played a part to make it an easy time for us by behaving herself and entertaining us with her little ways.

We went for purposeful shopping after lunch. I bought additional Drona boxes for my 4 x 4 Expedit shelving unit. Izzie’s toys are invading our shelf. It started with 2 then 4 and now, 6 shelves are filled with Izzie’s toys!!! It sure makes me happy to see a neat and organized house. Somehow organization makes me feel good. I also bought 2 throws for the sofa and a floor mat to replace a current worn out one.

Izzie’s a little more cranky today. Could be due to a slight fever she had. Delayed reaction from the MMR (Measles, Mumps and Rubella) jab she had last Monday. She and I battled for slightly more than an hour before she finally gave in to sleep.

My mom delivered dinner. Yummy apple soup. I am thankful that she is willing to cook dinner and deliver dinner to us whenever she can.

Then I prepared Izzie’s puree. Why am I obssessed with preparing baby food? I think because I have more time at home with the temporary work from home arrangement. It isn’t easy making time to prepare baby food with 40 hour work week in office (plus preparation time and travelling time). So I really gotta make full use of the time I have now to do whatever I can and make this a fruitful time of doing things for and with Izzie. I am thankful for the grace.


1st letter from mommy to Izzie

Dear Isabel,

You’ll be turning 1 on 1st Aug 2013. You constantly amaze me by how fast you grow and you constantly bring smiles to me by the things you do. I’ll always remember the little things that you like to do: like stretching your legs straight when you are being changed, lifting your legs up 90 degrees whenever you are on your back, exploring things by scratching them, your funny-looking pout whenever you aren’t happy, squeezing your arms towards each other and “flying” whenever you are excited, and your love for standing and cruising and clapping hands at this phase of your life. Most of all, your smiles and laughter make me feel that motherhood & all its sacrifices are worth it.


My heart aches whenever you are sick, puking and breathless. My heart aches whenever the LPA sling condition is brought up. My heart aches when I know you have to go for the surgery to correct the condition. Yet deep inside there is a peace that I couldn’t comprehend. A peace that everything is gonna be alright. A confession that I was made to say even when you were still inside me. It’s God’s peace which surpasses all understanding. Through the many hospitalisations, I have seen so many babies and children crying, fussing and terrified. But I only saw a brave girl in you. You do not cry unless there is a reason to: like you are feeling really hungry or your poo is making you so uncomfortable or when the thing that you dislike most is being practised on you: suctioning to remove secretions.

From a little baby of 2kg, I have seen you grown to 8.5kg now. From being needing to cradle you, you develop neck muscles, then you learn to sit on your own, then sit up straight then crawl and now you stand tall and proud! You are even taking baby steps! You have grown so much more observant and you are so inquisitive just like how daddy prayed for you to be. Taking care of you is not without its challenges but you have been easy just like how mommy wished you to be that’s why the short form name Izzie. You are happy most of the time and you are a very sociable baby. I am so proud to see you grow and to see you overcome milestones in your life. I enjoy the times I get to spend with you. It is never wasted. Those are bonding moments. You have a gentle and quiet spirit like how I prayed for you to be.

As the day draws to a close, mommy wishes you a LOVELIEST 1ST BIRTHDAY once again. It has been an awesome year with you and I know many awesome years will come. You will grow up healthy, strong, happy, wise and standing under God’s Word. Mommy and daddy love you, Champ Izziebub.




Izzie’s turning 1!

We are gonna celebrate Izzie’s first birthday this Sunday. Her actual birthday is 1 Aug. How fast time flies. It was just a while ago that we were still needing to cradle her because her neck wasn’t strong enough. Last year this time, I was in hospital for the entire month of July, praying everyday that she will be okay, healthy and strong. Despite the bad news at the last trimester, Izzie came out 9/10 on the Apgar scale at week 34. She weighed 2.16kg and was 44cm long. She was in NICU for a day or two and then transferred out to Special Care Nursery. By the time she hit one week (Week 35), she was home. What a champ!

Her health through these 11 months wasn’t something to be taken for granted. She was hospitalised twice in March for breathlessness due to broncholitis and once in June for the same problem. CT scan and bronchoscopy show her LPA sling is causing a compression on the trachea and docs at KKH suggested LPA sling correction.

We brought Izzie to KKH for a follow up with the paediatrician on Monday. She now weighs 8.48kg and is 73cm long. The PD is happy with her. He said that she is already doing some things that 12 month old babies do although her corrected age is 11 months due to her prematurity. Developmental-wise she has achieved most for her age-appropriate milestones. Praise God for good report.

Since her hospitalisation in June and the suggested needful surgery, she has been kept pretty much at home. Whenever I bring her out, she would be so happy. Today I brought her out to Ikea. Just me and her. It was an enjoyable time with her. I felt blessed just spending my afternoon with her.


As I looked back at the past one year, indeed she has filled my life with so much meaning, love and joy. I have done things for her that I didn’t want to do for myself. Like waking up at 6am every morning to bring her to nursery. Like making breakfast for her when I would just skip having breakfast. I must say that I am biased and I know it but I must still say that Izzie has been easy. She has made it easy for us to be her parents and she has made us look good. Haha. Training and stuff? I don’t think we did much to make her sleep through the night at 3 months. She did it on her own. She doesn’t fuss a lot. She is just blessed with a quiet and a gentle spirit. The love for reading? We tried to introduce books to her when she was 2 months and she just has a natural affinity towards books, pictures and words. Food-wise, hmm she has a bit to catch up on eating solids. Hehe. I think we didn’t really make very strict structures/rules. We just do our best to be the best parents to Izzie. Discipline at this age isn’t appropriate but we try to explain even though she may not understand fully, but if we repeat, I believe one day she will get it. She is starting to understand “no” and I am glad for the many times she cooperated with me when I tried to clean her (something that she doesn’t really like). Motherhood for first time working mommy is TOUGH but when I see Izzie smile, I felt it was all worth it.

I am glad to be Izzie’s mommy! She is my greatest blessing the past one year and many years to come. I am thankful for this sweet promise of God. Mommy love you Izziebub. Have a joyous 1st birthday!



Good job, Izzie

Yesterday was Soo Chee’s turn to attend Leaders’ Meeting at JW. I fed Izzie two tablespoons of rice cereal for the first time. Previously we have always given her half or one tablespoon of rice cereal. Surprisingly, she enjoyed the cereal so much that she couldn’t wait to open her mouth again for another spoonful. So simple, so sweet.

After wiping her body, I let Izzie sit by herself on her bed. She could do so unassisted for a longer time and she kept smiling. I have never seen her smile so much in her life. I am proud of Izzie’s accomplishment & grateful for the quality time spent with her. I’ve got what money cannot buy.

Just here to say a short update

I haven’t been diligently updating my blog since I went back to work full days. I think my hubby did a nice post on Izzie’s transition to going to office nursery. You can read here. I am so proud of her waking up at 645am everyday and never once did I see a grouchy Izzie. She is always happy and she gives aunty Shirley a beautiful smile every morning.

I am slowly adjusting to life as a working mother. Is it tough? Yes it is but I will keep trying. I will keep being positive.

Praise report

We went to KKH for a whole day today. Izzie has an appointment for hip ultrasound scan, an appointment for hearing test and an appointment with the neonatal doctor for follow up assessment. Her scan is normal and she passed her hearing test. The doctor said she could do what a full term 4 month baby could do. For example, she could raise her head 90 degree when placed on her tummy. Her height is at 50 percentile while her weight is catching up to 50 percentile. Praise the Lord!!! Izzie is our champion.

4 months 1 week: 62 cm & 6.33kg

She is one happy bub

Sunday morning

This morning, I was greeted with all smiles and delightful squeals. It was a sweet time with Izzie. Then I went to make milk for her, only to be back to a pouty baby with a big drop of tear at the side of her right eye. Awww melts my heart. Then I fed her and bathed her all by myself. She looked at me for a long time. I love moments with Izzie. The world stops just for the two of us.
Next, I washed her clothes and her milk bottle. I went to bathe when Izzie fell asleep. She is growing up too fast, I must enjoy every moment with baby Izzie. 🙂


My thoughts as a mommy


I was greeted with smiles this morning when I went into Izzie’s room. How lovely is the moment. In times like this, I feel like the top of the world. 🙂


First time Izzie smiled during tummy time.

It is such a joy to see my own child reach milestones in her life. I pray that I will never be too busy and miss out the important little things in family life.

The struggle to go back to work is a very real one. I have never imagined myself struggling with this but I guess I have formed a bonding with Izzie and I felt torn between work and baby. I am not exactly on top of things but I will give myself time to adjust and I will be nicer to me.

This verse is so apt.
But God’s not finished. He’s waiting around to be gracious to you. He’s gathering strength to show mercy to you. God takes the time to do everything right-everything. Those who wait around for him are the lucky ones.
Isa 30:18