Category Archives: Moments with Izzie

Izzie started going to the decentralized nursery at Bedok on 5 Nov. For the first time, we saw Izzie having separation anxiety. She cried the moment I put her down on the mat. She wasn’t interested in the toys and kept clinging on to me. We were quite surprised and discovered the power of her star snack. She was completely fine with us leaving when aunty gave her the stars. Haha oops she could be bribed.

The drop off on the second and third day was much better. She was happy seeing the toys.

7 Nov – We saw Izzie taking three tiny steps all by herself. She was “forced” to do this because both her hands were occupied with spoon and plate. I am so proud of her. When we tried to video it down a second time she was very frustrated because I took the spoon and plate from her. I have never seen her display such anger before.

Indeed I think my Izzie is growing up.


Izzie at 13 months

I had lots of fun with Izzie this morning. She didn’t want to take her usual morning nap after bath. So she followed me (crawled) around the house while I did the housework. She would be delighted to find me in the kitchen or in my bedroom. It’s like a hide-and-seek game she invented for herself. How sweet. And this won’t last forever.

Izzie finished the organic food I bought for her last night. She refused to eat dinner last night and created a drama at the dinner table. She didn’t take anything after that until 10 plus. Her last milk feed was at 3pm. She has attitude, isn’t it? She rather not eat than to eat something she doesn’t like. Haha. But I figured her mood was better today coz she finished the whole jar without a fuss. What a champ me thinks. Heh.



13 months – Izzie started playing peek-a-boo with me. She initiated it and would giggle loudly when I tickled her legs/feet whenever she let down the covers. I know this wouldn’t last forever and I just wanna treasure these precious moments while they last. 🙂


Whenever I put Izzie down to play near me, she would play by herself for a while and then crawl towards me and give me a hug (her way). The moment is sweet and special. This started just before she turned officially one. Three weeks ago, when she crawled towards me, I gave her kisses. Ever since, she has been crawling towards me wanting to be cuddled and kissed. *heart melts*

Izzie did this again yesterday and it brightened my gloomy day. 🙂




Day 5: Homecoming

I got a call from the nurse at CSDU at 9am this morning. She said doctors have cleared for Izzie for go home! Hallelujah!!!

When we saw Izzie, she was in the arms of a nurse. Obviously she has been crying for someone to carry her. Awww. The nurse told us that they have removed her dressing, cleaned her and fed her. We could change her out of her hospital clothes to home clothes. Whoopee! We waited for the pharmacist to come with the medication (which is just paracetamol). Then the nurse gave us the discharge summary, health booklet, follow up appointment letters and feedback form. And off we go!!! Izzie’s ah ma & ah gong (my in laws) greeted her at the lounge and together, we made our way home. Praise the Lord for a successful surgery and speedy recovery. Izzie is a champ and I am so proud of her.

My parents came over to see her as well. What a warm welcome home for Izzie. 😛

Izzie is a reminder of the goodness of God!

Day 4

Day 2 post op

When we arrived at KKH CSDU this morning, the nurse told us that they offed the morphine. Izzie was being fed more milk today. The nurse made 95ml of milk for Izzie this morning instead of the pathetic 20ml yesterday. Izzie finished 50ml of milk.

I fed Izzie cereal for lunch. She only took 3 spoonfuls. Urine catheter, central venous line and feeding tube were taken off by 130pm, leaving just a standard IV plug in her left wrist. Docs are happy with her progress and they are planning to discharge Izzie by tomorrow. Praise the Lord! I got to carry Izzie in my arms again!!! What a joy! We couldn’t cuddle her since Wednesday because there were too many lines on her.

Izzie finished 95ml of milk at 430pm, at 8pm and at 1030pm. Hooray, champ!

Izzie first turned to her side towards the later part of the afternoon, then she tried tummy time, progressed to sit up and finally decided to stand up. It was as if she was testing her limits. Such a wise baby I think. 🙂


Aunty Shirley and Aunty Lee Lee came by during lunch and prayed for Izzie. Joanna and Jeremiah came during dinner. I am just super thankful for the church family. We are indeed surrounded by prayers and love!

I have been meditating on God’s address: He lives in my heart. Looking forward to Izzie coming home tomorrow. Yeah!


Day 3

We had a good night’s rest. When we arrived at the Children’s Intensive Care Unit (CICU), Izzie was asleep and the nurse wasn’t around. But we saw a portable TV by her bedside. So I chose to believe that she was more awake and alert and they had to keep her entertained. Hehehe.

Victories today:
1. She went off oxygen which was put on her after they took out her breathing tube yesterday. She is breathing totally on her own and is able to maintain good oxygen saturation.
2. They took out the two tubes from her chest (for drainage of fluids).
3. She was fed 20ml glucose and tolerated well. Not enough in fact. Finished in seconds and cried for more. But they couldn’t up the volume because they didn’t want to stress the heart.
4.Another IV line, the arterial line (for measuring real time BP and blood drawing) has been removed + rectum thermometer was removed.
5. Izzie was moved out of CICU into Children’s Step Down Unit (CSDU) at 5pm today!
6. Izzie was given 20ml of milk at 8pm! First milk since 27 Aug, 1030pm!


What remains are the central venous line on her neck and the urine catheter. They are still measuring her output volume because it is borderline. One of the side effect of morphine. They are gradually her weaning off this painkiller.

God is good and Izzie is a fighter!!

Pastor Yong came by at noon to pray for Izzie. Wendy, Ting Ting, Audrey and Schumann bought lunch for us and an Elmo balloon for Izzie. My mom brought us dinner. I am grateful for them.

The hospital business office called us in the afternoon and asked if we wanted to downgrade Izzie from B2 to C class. Regardless of class (except A class which is not subsidised) the level of care at CICU, High Dependency (HD) ward and CSDU is the same. This means we get the same treatment despite paying less. Praise God! Psalm 23 became a living word to me: Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life.

While waiting this afternoon, I wandered off again to my spot in the garden but it rained and was wet so I went off to another place. There I re-watched last weekend’s service. My faith was built up. When I came back to CICU, the nurse informed me that they were preparing to move Izzie out of CICU to CSDU.

Keep speaking and thinking positive!

Since Izzie was born, she has been to all children’s hospital units: Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU), Special Care Nursery (SCN), normal children’s ward, HD ward, CICU and now CSDU. Indeed she is going places!!! She will proclaim God’s goodness and mercy.

Day 2

I left Izzie at the OT from 8.30am. Waited till almost 3pm before I got a call from KKH CICU that they have settled Izzie and we could go in and see her. In between, PAZ came to pray with us. It was a great comfort. We also went online shopping for baby clothes and stuff…just a little distraction from the intensity felt during the surgery. We were already prepared to see many tubes on her the night before when we had the orientation with the ICU staff nurse. I was ready. When we saw Izzie, she looked good!!! Better than expected. The doctors were happy and said that she was stable for the surgery and would be expecting her to be stable in recovery. Praise God. I am thankful for the church family who supported us and prayed with us throughout the entire time. Jeffrey came after dinner. Pastor Eileen, Connie and Joanna Sin came shortly after. Blessed by their presence.

We couldn’t stay over by Izzie’s bedside at the ICU because there were too many machine around so we decided to come home to rest. Tomorrow is a new great day! Just before we left, the doc removed her breathing tube. Praise the Lord! One tube down. Counting victories one at a time. Izzie wears the victor’s crown!


I had some me time with God just before PAZ came. I wandered off on my own and ended up in a garden. While absorbing God’s presence, He told me that if He could take care of birds and plants, what more Izzie? I could trust in Him to take care of Izzie and of us, even our untold needs.

Day 1

I decided to write entries to journey the entire process of hospitalization. Let’s hope I keep through this being as real as I can be.

It has been 24 hours since we admitted Izzie to KKH for her surgery to correct the LPA sling. What has happened so far?

Izzie was warded at Children’s Tower Ward 55 Bed 23 yesterday. We went through the admission process, then answered some standard interview questions, went through ward orientation, talked with doctors and anesthesiologist. The ward MO tried doing ECG on Izzie but she cried badly, so they tried again this morning around 6am when she was asleep. They took blood tests in the ward treatment room and she came back crying, hair all over the place and eyes were red. She was ok during the chest X-ray. We went for ICU orientation as well. We were briefed what to expect.

How was the night? I stayed over at KKH with Izzie. She fell asleep close to 1am. I finished up a bit of work till 2am and went to sleep. Woke up at 3am because the baby next bed to Izzie cried very loudly. Izzie was also disturbed for a while but she went back to sleep. It was Izzie’s turn to cry very loudly at 4am. I carried her on me till about 5am and then I asked the nurse to give Izzie her last glucose drink. Her fast started at 2am and the last water intake was 6am.

At 715am I bathed Izzie with the antiseptic body wash provided by the nurse. At 8am they brought us down to the OT. Feng followed us and there she prayed for Izzie. Then only one parent could go into the OT waiting area with Izzie. I went. Soo Chee cried as his heart broke. I remained calm. I let Izzie play with a princess toy car at the waiting area.


She is one brave baby!

Then the medical staff just checked and confirmed name and that I know what is going on. We were guided into OT 11. It was a pleasant short walk as there were many beautiful murals. At the OT, the staff explained to me exactly what they were going to do and prepared me for what we were about to experience. It wasn’t new. Izzie and me went through this before when she did the bronchoscopy in July. They made Izzie feel at ease then gassed her. She went to sleep and the staff asked me to let go while two staff carried her from my lap to the bed. They guided me to exit.

I have been outside waiting since 830am. PAZ came around 12 plus to pray with us. It brought great comfort to us. Before he came, I wandered off on my own and found a spot at a garden. There I was just absorbing the song Victor’s Crown and praying. There I came to a place of brokenness. I needed God to be real, I needed to trust and I needed my own space to be myself. It is okay to cry.

Soo Chee and I just had lunch and we are back to waiting…

Today marks another breakthrough for me as a mom. I brought Izzie to the Polyclinic by myself. Usually Soo Chee would be around as we try to fix her vaccination appointments at Polyclinic on Mondays. She has some rashes on her body for more than 2 days. Why Polyclinic and not her usual PD? Her usual PD’s (15 mins walk from my house) usual charges are about $50-$70 and usual waiting time is close to 2 hours. I was thinking if I have to wait so long, what’s the difference with waiting at the Polyclinic? So I decided to try the service at Tampines Polyclinic.

I took a cab there (5 mins, cost $4.70) and reached at 2:55pm. I did the registration, brought her to the treatment room (where a nurse assessed if the “rashes” were chicken pox. Answer: No. Then I proceeded to level 2 to see the doc. Izzie was super restless while waiting. There was no play area at the Polyclinic. I waited for about half an hour before I saw the doc. The doc was a nice Indian lady who likes Izzie’s cheeks. Ha! She assessed and said the rashes were probably heat rash or due to some allergy. No fever and lungs are cleared, she said. She prescribed calamine lotion and said to go back to the Polyclinic if her rash which concentrates at the tummy area spreads. Then I went to the Pharmacy to collect the medication and made payment. I was done by 4pm. Total time spent: about 1 hour! Faster than the usual PD! Cost of consultation and medication: $6.50!!!

I used to avoid the Polyclinic because my experience there while I was studying was bad. The waiting time killed! Over the years, the service improves. The system improves. It is really quite comparable to private practice and what’s the perk? Singaporeans get subsidised medical fees which really help us especially when Izzie has lots of follow ups and stuffs. I am grateful to be a Singaporean. I am thankful that God really takes good care of us and meets our littlest untold needs.


That’s Izzie having a still moment staring at herself when I turned on the front camera on my phone at Tampines Polyclinic today