Category Archives: Moments with Izzie


I am glad Isabel is well today and I could bring her to Children’s Church. Praise the Lord for His healing upon her life. 

On the way to church, Izzie suddenly turned to me and said, “It’s a special day!” 

Although there were so many times she pushed my buttons all over with her pickiness and drama, her affections and warmth have melted me countless times as well. I guess everything comes in a package and it’s all good. I’m always glad when Izzie asks for love and affections from me and B. 

In church, my pastor is now in a LIFE series and today he talks about Forgiveness. I sat next to a boy named Norman and at the end of service, I was given a wonderful opportunity to pray for his healing. God’s love was so tangible and I know He is our healer and has finished the work for us. 

Soulful dinner 11.3.15

Tonight, a few Easterners in my cell group went for dinner together at POD Tampines. The place was cosy & homely and the staff was very friendly, loving and thoughtful. Some pictures to do the talking…

So much love in a pot

A very thoughtful Darryl was worried that Izzie wouldn’t enjoy the pot so she made her a bowl of soup which is more child-friendly. So much love!

After dinner, I asked for something sweet and was served Affogato. It is awesome! So much love!

I have never seen Izzie click so well with any kid before as with Lauren (Darryl’s girl). She affectionately calls her jiejie and follows Lauren willingly. 

To sum it all, I shall end this entry with Alicia’s Instagram post. 

Thank you Jesus for today. 

Note: Izzie said this in her prayer tonight “Thank you God for fun with jiejie.” Those are such precious words that brought so much warmth in my heart. My prayer for Izzie is that she will grow up to be a loving jiejie also to those who are younger than her. 

A day alone with Izzie 

Izzie has got breathing sounds so I thought she shouldn’t be going to Children’s Church today. She has been sick since last Saturday and we brought her to see a homeopathy doc last Sunday. The medication seems to put her sickness under control so we continued to send Izzie to school this week. Until the principal and a teacher told me yesterday during pick-up that she was breathing loudly. Other than phlegm, cough and running nose, she is eating and sleeping well. Much as I want to “push” her towards normalcy, there are times where I would feel, “is it okay? Am I heartless?” There are also times where I would want to just pull her out of school and children’s church…because I am just tired of explaining why is my child like that whenever she is sick: Why is there so much phlegm? Why is she breathing so loudly? Is there anything that can be done? It may seem like I just don’t care but I really don’t want the unnecessary attention on Izzie and on us. 

Anyway, the day went well. I decided to bring Izzie out for dinner after she woke up from her nap. 

She decided to arrange her toys and herself in this position for watching TV!

Obviously, she was very happy to be out!

My lunch & dinner and Izzie ate 3/4 of my corn along with some vege, pork and rice. 

I think she looks cool!

After dinner, we were headed home but I had a random thought of checking out a new playground at the neighborhood. She was absolutely thrilled with the playground and thankfully there were nice older children who wanted to play with her. 

We ended the day shopping for some groceries at the supermarket. She loves pushing the trolley around the supermarket so much that she cried when we had to leave the supermarket without her holding on to the trolley. 

Although I was initially saddened that I couldn’t make it for service today, I ended the day having a full heart. I am so grateful for the quality time spent with my #izzietod. Only when I spend quality and quantity time with her, can I hear things like, “Mommy, I love you very much!” “It’s so fun!” “I love bunny” (her soft toy) and it’s priceless to be able to hear her laughter at the playground. I won’t wanna be too busy till I miss out on all the important, little things in Izzie’s life. 

Honestly, I was irritated with Izzie calling me for help so many times while I was cooking soup. Yet, to see her so comforted each time I went to her made me feel it is all worth it. She just wanted my attention. She just wanted to know even if she is badly behaved and even if she is not the nicest and even if she is all needy, she is LOVED. 

Thank you Jesus and thank you Izzie for making this day a meaningful one for me! 

Well, babe get well soon so mommy can bring you to swim, to the beach, to more open grass patches which you totally love, to children’s church and to all the places you wanna go. 

I did this photo montage last night and when she spied my phone just before bed-time, she said, “There are four Isabels.”

I love that she seems to know how to use plural. 🙂

Izzie is so blessed by Feng’s mama who gave her two new sets of cute jammies. Here is one. Shall feature another one soon!

While on the bus journey home today, Izzie kept saying “Nobody to play with her”. I hope she is not referring to herself in school. 

In times like this, I sure hope she grows up faster and learn to clarify what she means. 🙂

I definitely hope she will have many good friends in school because that’s where she spends most of her time in. 

This was taken the other day this week where she said, “It’s mine, not yours.” (-_-“)

The gold one is in the jungle 

While walking home, Izzie and I saw a black cat at its usual place. There is also another gold cat but we didn’t see it. Izzie asked, “Where is the gold one?” Then she thought and answered, “It is in the jungle!”

In times like this, I am filled with amazement at the mind of a child. So much inquisitiveness and so much confidence! I pray that I will never hinder that child-like spirit in my parenting. 

I need to slow down and smell flowers

Since we got back from Penang last Monday, it was back to routine at full force! There was so much work to do every single day at work and during the weekend, it was church and we brought Izzie to a homeopathy doctor. She was coughing again and had a bit of breathing sounds so we decided to try this alternative, natural medicine instead of always bringing her to the usual PD and getting antibiotics prescribed every other month. Turns out that Izzie enjoys eating the medicine given by homeopathy doctor. Heh. We went to my parents’ for dinner last night. 

I felt so tight for time, let alone have any me time. I worked for half a day today and then met B and Izzie at Suntect for lunch. We had to bring Izzie to KKH for follow up appt with the heart surgeons this afternoon. It went well and she was given an appt next year after CNY. B brought Izzie home after the appt and I went for facial. While waiting, I went to OCBC bank to close a savings account and apply for a new atm card for my 360 account. I felt good that I finally tidied up my bank accounts. Previously, I had 4 accounts. Now I only have 2. PTL. 

After facial, and on the way home, I did grocery shopping. It was so hard to look for corn at FP. Two FPs didn’t have corn so I tried Sheng Siong Supermarket and I was extremely glad to see cornsss. You would have seen me beaming brightly if you were there at Sheng Siong just now. Hehehe. 

After dinner, and after I bathed Izzie, I cooked a pot of soup. I needed to stock up Izzie’s stash of soup in the freezer. It was incredibly sweet. I am satisfied with all I did today. Thankful for supportive B who took great care of Izzie while I ran some errands, went for personal grooming and did chores. : )