Category Archives: Moments with Izzie

Lunch 25.4.15


Isabel really loves her lunch today. She finished everything on the plate and her soup in 15 minutes. She asked for additional red capsicum too. 🙂 In times like this, I’m just very thankful that she is easy on me. 


Since when Isabel was very young, she has always been very peaceful and well-behaved whenever we put her on the car seat. 

Last Sunday, we rented a car to go to Zoe’s first birthday party and Isabel was so happy to be sitting on the car seat once again. 🙂


After almost 1.5 years later since we bought this straw Tigger cup, Isabel could finally use it properly. Yay. 🙂

*pardon the messy hair, she just woke up from her nap*



I must say that Isabel really warms my heart. She decided to let her 3 soft toys sleep on her pillow.

Me: There is no space for you on the pillow. Then how?

Isabel: *didn’t say a word and didn’t remove the soft toys*

I gave her another pillow to lay her head. 

This generosity is also displayed to the people around her. With her favorite food in her hand, we would ask her to share her food. She would go one round to make sure everyone has something. Even if it was the last piece, she would give it away. I am proud of my girl. 🙂