Category Archives: Moments with Izzie

Ever since I put Isabel at 3YO Harvestkidz room, I have not seen a single of her artwork when I picked her up (unlike when she was in 2YO). So I thought and was a bit worried that she doesn’t like art and craft. I had feedbacks from the 3 YO teachers that she was climbing all over and fell down a few times. They were also feedbacks that she did not talk much. 

So I was taken in by surprise yesterday when the teacher at 3 YO gave me her artwork and she told me that Isabel was very participative in class and that she answered all the questions correctly. I’m so proud of you, darling. Continue to love Harvestkidz, babe. 


First day @ a new childcare centre

Today is the first day at a new school for Izzie. What was I thinking? I wasn’t even prepared that she might need us to be there emotionally as she adapts to a new environment. It was just another day when B drops her off in school. We both didn’t take leave like how we did when she first joined the previous childcare. She didn’t cry and was happy to be in school. This time however, she was crying on and off at the slightest things. B had to stay with her for an hour and slowly made his way to work when Izzie wasn’t paying attention and was more engaged in school activities. 

When I picked Izzie up, she was happily watching nursery rhyme video on the projector screen. She did somewhat like “complain/whine/cry” on the way home. 


I hope she adjusts well to her new school over the next few days. Babe, mommy is so proud of you for being so brave on day 1. 
A conversation I had with her after her bath. 

Me: Izzie, do you have new friends today?

Izzie: Yes

Me: How many friends do you have?

Izzie: 1

Me: What is his/her name?

Izzie: Isabel


Saturday with my darling

Yesterday was the last day Isabel would be attending My World @ Sims. She would start next week in a new childcare nearer our home. We made that painful decision because it was getting difficult to travel with Isabel from home on the bus for an hour before she reaches childcare. She would often get very restless and fidgety on the bus. We were just feeling a little sentimental to have to pull her out of a good childcare that we have grown accustomed to. Her teacher, Teacher Sha gave her a farewell gift. How sweet!


B and I have been telling Isabel that she would be attending a new school next week. So today I decided to bring her to her new school to just familiarize her to the surroundings and I let her play at the playground nearby. When I showed her her new school which she went in once before, she told me that she wanted to go in and cried when I told her that we were not going in today. *sweat*
I allowed Izzie to play at the playground for a while. Initially she didn’t dare walk on the “slippery bridge” and I had to hold her hand to walk through the bridge twice before she was confident enough to do it on her own. I am so proud of my girl. 🙂

Next we went for lunch. It was such a hot weather and the forgetful me didn’t bring her water bottle. While having lunch, she kept asking for soup. Then when I ordered water for her, she drank a whole cup in one sitting. Sorry babe, mommy forgot your water bottle

Izzie drank one and a half cups of water. ;P


After lunch, we got some stuff and Izzie insisted on carrying the bags. I felt like a happy girlfriend on a shopping spree without needing to carry the shopping bags. Hehe


When we reached home I asked, “Izzie, do u like your new school?”

She said, “No!” 

Then I asked, “Do you like the playground near your school?”

She said, “Yes!”

I asked her again, “Do you like your new school?”

She said, “Yes!”



Isabel has been on a crying spell recently. Very minor things will make her cry. Like when she couldn’t wear her shoes by herself, or when she couldn’t wear a dress to bed, or when she couldn’t wear her tiara to shower, or when she had to wait to eat food/drink milk or when she couldn’t wear a dress to school. It has been so bad I suspect her phlegm build up this time is caused by her constant crying. 

As much as I am frustrated, I couldn’t do nothing and ask her to get over it. I had to stoop down to her level and speak to her and reason with her. It IS torturous. Especially on the mental capacity. I realized my mental capacity have to expand!!! I also realized Izzie is beginning to understand my reasoning. Just the other day, she was throwing a tantrum during dinner that she didn’t want to eat the dinner cooked by grandma. She wanted biscuits instead. So I said, “Okay, no dinner for you and you will have no milk too”. She will usually drink milk before bedtime. She cried and said she wanted to eat dinner there and then! She was so cooperative during dinner too although we could see she was struggling so much not to cry. 

This is the age of awakening. I need to be even more conscious with what I say and do because Izzie will learn by observation. May I be used to point her to God every single day. 

Note: up to now, we have not used the cane on Izzie. 

Where did my baby go?

It dawned upon me that Isabel is indeed growing up. 

Today before we changed her to jammies, she told me that she wanted to wear a dress to sleep. I asked if a particular dress was okay. She looked at it and agreed. So I took the dress out of her cupboard and put it on the sofa bed.  

When daddy changed her, he didn’t have a clue what agreement she had with me. She protested and screamed when he changed her. She refused to wear the long sleeves jammies top. She insisted on wearing the dress on the sofa bed and daddy managed to persuade her to wear the long pants jammies with her dress. As she sleeps in an air-conditioned room, I told her that she has to put on a thin jacket at the very least. She agreed. So tada, my almost 3 YO girl went to bed like that tonight. 

I’m glad that Isabel is asserting her independence and opinion but I also miss the times where she doesn’t have a say. 😛

Don’t grow up too fast, darling. 



Last Saturday’s lunch. As you can see from the photos, Isabel was really happy with her lunch. 

Today’s lunch was good!! Isabel finished it without any fuss. Why am I extremely thrilled when she has no fuss during mealtimes? Because there was once a very very difficult time of solid feeding. She was extremely fussy with her food. I am thanking God that she has passed that phase and is now more accepting of a variety of food. 

Just before her nap, Izzie asked to hold my hand. I hope she will find comfort in me even when she is older. 

Izzie, I enjoy Saturdays with you a lot. Thank you for being easy on me. You are such a joyful child with a heart of gold. Mommy loves you, darling. 


Conversations with my toddler

Ah ma: You cannot touch these things. Later break, how?

Izzie: Ask mommy to pay. Mommy has money. *sweat*

I seriously have no idea where she picked that up from.
Me: Izzie, what is in ah ma’s cup?

Izzie: coffee!

Ah ma: Izzie cannot drink coffee. Izzie is a small girl. 

Izzie: (points to ah ma) only big girls can drink coffee. 
When going out, I carried B’s bag coz he already packed all Izzie’s stuff into his bag earlier this morning. Upon seeing me carrying B’s bag,

Izzie: oh mommy, why are you carrying daddy’s bag? (And she looked puzzled)

Mommy: can mommy carry daddy’s bag?

No answer *sweat*

My Saturday with Isabel

Isabel finished her lunch without fuss today. I cooked HK styled noodles for her with salmon, red capsicum, corn and soup. 

Me: Izzie, why do you keep hiccuping today?

Izzie: Oh maybe I’m hungry. I want to eat rice. 

This was less than one hour after her lunch. *sweat* 

My in-laws who came over for the long weekend went to IKEA @ Tampines. I’m glad I stayed at home with Isabel so that she could get the afternoon nap that she needs. She had to sleep on me yesterday coz we were out shopping. Thankful that she gets to rest properly today. 🙂

Just before her nap, she gave me the sweetest smile and “pushed” Alfie the comforter towards me (a silent hint to me to switch on the lullaby for her). My heart is warmed. 


We were on the bus yesterday morning when Isabel saw another little girl wearing the same uniform as her. Isabel said, “Oh no! Izzie has a friend.” It made me smile. She is observing and experimenting with sentences. Good job, darling!