Category Archives: Moments with Izzie

13 July 2015

B had to work today. I had a bit of me time after work before I picked Izzie from school. So I did housework. I cleaned up our bedroom counter tops which I felt so unmotivated to clean them every time because they were just so filled with things. And I did this in such hot weather! I washed a load of laundry and hung them. Then I got ready to pick Izzie from school. I felt proud of myself for overcoming procrastination and doing something out of my comfort zone for my family. 

I brought Izzie to the tortoise pond and playground after school. She absolutely enjoyed herself. I am so proud of her (and she knows it) for attempting to climb the rope obstacle successfully all by herself. Yay!

I was very blessed by the mommy and her girls. This mommy excuted very good playground safety rules. She would ask her girls to give way/time to “meimei” (Izzie) and not to shake the rope so meimei can navigate her way. Very encouraging to meet someone so positive and friendly and courteous. Because of that I think, Izzie who was afraid of climbing the rope climbed up to the 2nd level 3 times on her own. Awesome job, Izzie. 

I cooked dinner for Izzie and she was fuss free through the night. She fell asleep for the night pretty easily too. I am thankful for the angel in her. 🙂  

  Love this new jammies on Izzie

10 July 2015


Izzie the cat lover. Today she went on to say, “whiskers, ears, tail” and touched the respective parts of the cat. I allowed her to “sayang” this cat because she fell in love with this since she was very young and the cat allowed her to touch it without scratching her. I think the cat was a little intimidated by her affections though. Haha!

Isabel held my hand while settling down for her nap and said, “I am so proud of you!” It really warms my heart. 

Earlier during lunch, she said “Yay!” when she saw her lunch. My girl is super edifying and I am very thankful for that. 



One of Isabel’s fave activities to do while waiting for the bus to arrive is “monkey bar”. I’m glad she is leaning towards the more sporting side rather than the fragile side. 🙂



Izzie likes her lunch yesterday. She ate her fave red capsicum and gave me a thumbs up. 

That is Izzie looking very pleased with her lunch on Saturday. I forgot her shallots and put them on the noodles after photo taking. Hehe. 


I brought Izzie for vege shopping today. She chose the Japanese cucumber and then put it back when I showed her a tomato. She must have thought I only allow her to choose one, that’s why the reaction. Oops. I asked if she wanted capsicum coz it looks fresh. She said yes. So I paid and we left the shop with a bag of tomato, Japanese cucumber and red capsicum. Izzie carried it all the way home. Then I cooked lunch while she watched Hi-5. I can see that she enjoyed her lunch because she was self-feeding and kept asking for more capsicum. Of course, she finished her lunch with ease and her usual soup and she finished a whole red kiwi all by herself. Woot! 🙂

Much as I wished I have some alone time, I truly enjoy Saturdays with Izzie coz I have her all to myself. Muahahaha!!