Category Archives: Moments with Izzie

Cot arrival

We bought a new cot for Izzie and it arrived yesterday. She slept well in it. 🙂
The previous cot given by my friend had two screws missing. We figured it couldn’t last long so decided to invest in a new cot for Izzie. Both Soo Chee and I like the new cot. We hope Izzie likes it too.


Milk overflow

This morning Izzie cried for milk after 2.5 hours. She finished the bottle pretty fast and it was time for a burp. She made a bit of noise and burped very soon accompanied by a spit up. The milk hit my face and flowed into my tee. A lot of it, it felt. Eeeuuu Izzie, why must you do that to mommy? And I caught her smiling to herself. *sweat*