Category Archives: Happy moments

Feeling loved


Today my favorite friend told me there is 1-for-1 promo at SB @ 3pm. She said she was going to SB and asked if I wanted. I said ok and told her my usual order. Then she said she wanted to buy me the drink and in less than 10 mins, she gave me a Venti sized drink!!! She found out that another friend (our friend) was already at the cashier when she started queuing so … (Fill the sentence up)

Outing with media department work zero

Today we brought Izzie to join media department work zero dinner at Old Town East Coast Park. It was a fun time of interactions. I am a happy mommy who got a break coz Fengling was feeding Izzie. Hehehe.


Oops we can’t see Izzie in this picture but trust me, she was there. ;p

As we were coming home, a sense of gratefulness came over me for the ever supportive hubby. I think we work very well together as a team and I am thankful for that. There are times I wish he could do more and there are times I feel resentful but I wanna always remember to be grateful for all that he is doing for me, for Izzie and for this family. We are not perfect parents but we are learning to be great parents. It will not be an easy journey and when it gets stressful, I am glad we choose to laugh over the little ways of Izzie rather than feel helpless and overwhelmed by the demands of caring for Izzie.

Tonight is the night I have an encounter with God and I want to always remember to be thankful for all that He has blessed me with. He has blessed me exceedingly abundantly above all I ask or think!

Me time

Today is the first time in 2.5 months that I go out with a friend. I went out without my baby or my hubby, it’s just me. Me time is something that I always treasure. I guess I am wired that way. So I am just happy to go out today.

Marina initiated this date after I told her some challenges that I face as a new mommy. We hanged at Old Hong Kong Legend Restaurant. It’s a nice place with nice food.


We had a fun time talking. I am glad Marina is someone who does this “me time” with me instead of just someone who just talks about it. I enjoyed myself today…took a little break for me. 🙂