Category Archives: Family moments


Today I felt a little adventurous. As Izzie was asleep in Feng’s arms, I went to the main hall to feel the atmosphere. The presence of God was very strong and it drew me to want to stay in the hall to soak in His presence. So I informed Feng and she was so kind to take care of Izzie. I am very thankful to be able to worship God in His house again.


Feng giving Izzie lessons on directing

Soo Chee and I with bub bub had dinner with CK, Marina, Hann and Wanxia at Thai Express after service. It was a lovely dinner meet up. Thankful for the fellowship. What a happy day!

Long weekend

We have a long weekend because Deepavali falls on Tuesday. I am grateful for some family moments and I got to spend some good time with a good friend.

My parents came over on Sunday to see Izzie. I think this is such a beautiful picture of my dad with Izzie. My dad has never enjoyed taking photos and he seldom smiles for the camera. I really like this candid photo that I took of him and Izzie.


Dinner at Fish and Co on Sunday



Lunch at Tea Cosy with Wendy on Monday
I was so upset with myself for forgetting to take a photo with Wendy. I really enjoyed myself fellowshipping with Wendy and I especially like the sofa there coz Izzie gets to lie on it comfortably. 🙂 Of cos, I so satisfied my craving of baked mushrooms and smoked salmon toasties.


Lunch at Toby’s on Tuesday
Quite a tasty and affordable lunch!


We ended the day by going to my parents’ for dinner. Yay!! So grateful for the chance to spend quality time with loved ones. Looking forward to more of such precious moments.

Ending my post here with two faves for today.
I still love my bub bub despite the mess she makes. Hehehe…



Izzie turns 2 months on 1 Oct 2012

Izzie turns 2 months old on Monday. Looking back, she has grown indeed. She has grown chubbier, longer and more mature. Her feeding is more coordinated now, she used to get breathless while sucking the teat on the milk bottle. She has lesser hiccups and recently she sleeps tighter especially after 2pm. She is starting to grab things with her fingers. She has recently graduated from using newborn diapers to S size diapers. We are proud of Izzie’s progress.

I am starting to miss Izzie. I miss her ooooo facial expression that she used to do when she was younger. I notice she smiles to herself more often now.

I also miss the times she moved when I was pregnant with her… She is one active baby! The nurses have to adjust the CTG monitor on me very often while on CTG monitoring because she often moved after from the monitor. She moves as much, if not more, now. 🙂

I love my baby Izzie.
She melts my heart.


Mid autumn festival

I have always enjoyed mid autumn festival because I get to eat my favorite mooncakes. When I was younger, we would go to our maternal grandparents’ house and the whole extended family would get together to celebrate the festival. The adults would do their adult things, drink tea and chat while the kids would be outside playing with lanterns and candles and sparklers. Oh how I love playing as a kid especially with sparklers because they are so beautiful.

Today I went back to my mom’s place for dinner after a good 3 months. It was an awesome time with the family with the addition of Isabel. My mom cooked wonderful dishes and we got to eat mooncakes and pomelo and drank tea. Izzie was asleep throughout. Haha. 🙂 She received lovely presents from uncle Jervis. I must say this little cousin I have have really grown up to be a fine young man! I am so proud of him. 🙂



My parents with Izzie. Looking at it makes me feel good that Isabel has great grandparents who shower her with love. Yet I also realize my parents are getting older and I need to treasure them and love them while they are still around. I am abundantly blessed to belong to this family.

Outing with media department work zero

Today we brought Izzie to join media department work zero dinner at Old Town East Coast Park. It was a fun time of interactions. I am a happy mommy who got a break coz Fengling was feeding Izzie. Hehehe.


Oops we can’t see Izzie in this picture but trust me, she was there. ;p

As we were coming home, a sense of gratefulness came over me for the ever supportive hubby. I think we work very well together as a team and I am thankful for that. There are times I wish he could do more and there are times I feel resentful but I wanna always remember to be grateful for all that he is doing for me, for Izzie and for this family. We are not perfect parents but we are learning to be great parents. It will not be an easy journey and when it gets stressful, I am glad we choose to laugh over the little ways of Izzie rather than feel helpless and overwhelmed by the demands of caring for Izzie.

Tonight is the night I have an encounter with God and I want to always remember to be thankful for all that He has blessed me with. He has blessed me exceedingly abundantly above all I ask or think!

Milestone 2

Soo Chee excitedly called me to see bub bub this afternoon while I was in the midst of doing something. Then I found out that Izzie has found her own thumb to suck as a form of self comfort. Whee we are proud parents of smart little Izzie! Lol 🙂

Izzie goes to church

I brought Izzie out alone for the first time today and I brought her to church. I prepared and packed the baby bag and dressed Izzie up.

I was nervous and I told Wendy Goh about it. She was so kind to offer to meet me at the taxi stand. She carried the baby bag for me and helped me tighten Ergo baby which was too loose. I sat with her CG at A1. It was an enjoyable time coz Izzie was an easy baby. I prepared milk (Wendy helped me hold the milk bottle) and fed Izzie the moment she woke up. She made a bit of noise but other than that, she was happily sleeping away throughout the entire service.

I went to the media control room after service. There I met two other CHCTVM babies.

Geraldine, Zachary and Isabel and their mommies!

I was caught by surprise when the Saturday team celebrated my birthday. 🙂 Thankful for them.

Jus, Siouling and me went to the airport for dinner. Before dinner, I took Izzie to the baby care room to change her diaper and sat outside TCC to prepare her milk and feed her. During dinner, we took turns to carry Izzie as I did not bring the stroller out. 🙂

It was an awesome time out with Izzie today. Yay!! Thankful for all the support given to me…first time mommy. 😀