Category Archives: Family moments

Say Hello

 This year’s Chinese New Year brought really good news. We found out that I am pregnant! We were trying for a few months and were overjoyed when the stick showed positive. We like the age gap between Izzie and baby because that means we don’t have to deal with two toddlers at the same time. It’s God’s timing! B did the announcement about my pregnancy to family and close friends.

Almost immediately after we came back from Penang, I started to spot lightly. Knowing I have history and a complicated first pregnancy, I made a decision to call the gynae’s clinic eventhough it was already 5pm and my appointment is actually two weeks later. Thankfully the nurse was helpful, took note of my concerns and told me that the gynae has a night clinic. I was directed to go to the bukit timah clinic at 7pm that day. We made arrangements for my mom to look after Izzie while B and I headed to the gyane’s night clinic.

The gynae was very empathetic. He did a scan and told us that baby looks okay but he didn’t know where the bleeding is coming from. He gave me an injection, some progesterone pills and two days mc. Praise God since then I haven’t been bleeding. Everyday I thank God that I’m experiencing what it means to have a normal pregnancy.

The nausea for this second pregnancy seemed worse but the good thing is that there is no actual vomit. I eat a lot more in this pregnancy than the first pregnancy. A little worried about overeating and weight gain, so I’m trying to control…

It seems so fast. I’m almost entering my second trimester. I’m so glad I don’t feel so lethargic now as during my first trimester. Now, it’s time to prepare for the addition to the family. God is faithful!


We both woke up late today and decided to go to Refuel at Bedok Reservoir for brunch. The place has great natural lighting and is rather cosy. The food and coffee are nice! Price is reasonable too. We left with full stomachs and happy hearts. 

Next, we went grocery shopping as we decided to cook dinner. 


B agreed to cook char siew for the first time, according to my request. Yummay, it was really satisfying! Dinner was awesome because we felt so. 🙂

Thankful for the family time. No agenda. Get chores done. Not costly. Lots of family bonding. Lots of love. Just the three of us. 

The umbrella is a very much valued toy to my tod. Btw she chose her own ootd. Looking forward to more Sundays like these. 

2 August 2015

We had a wonderful time with the Ngs over dinner to celebrate Izzie’s 3rd birthday at Second Storey Cafe. It is a child-friendly restaurant and my current fave. Food is nice and price is reasonable. The kids could play (within sight) while the adults fellowship. How nice!

These are friends for life! The smiles on their faces … Priceless! Really thankful for this warm family. 🙂


12 July 2015


 Wefie taken in Penang
It was our 5th ROM anniversary. We pre-celebrated during our Pan Pac staycation in June. 🙂 I remembered the 1st anniversary celebration was grand with staycation and surprises and gifts. The celebrations grew simpler over the years but still sweet! 

This year we had a simple breakfast at home, went out to shop for Izzie’s 3YO birthday @ school celebration stuff (coming up in 2 weeks!), ate lunch and shopped for groceries. B cooked up a celebratory meal of steak, roasted vege and mushroom cheese while I cooked watercress soup. What weird combi? That’s how Izzie likes it. She is a true Cantonese who loves soup!! 

It doesn’t matter that the dinner isn’t at some costly restaurant. I just love spending time with these two precious family members eating all our favorite food 🙂

First Sunday of June 15

It was raining during lunch time and MacDonalds didn’t want to deliver. B and I looked in the fridge and freezer for ingredients and decided to cook lunch instead. We had HK noodles with breaded chicken breast and broccoli. Yummy!! Thanks B for cooking. I am a blessed wife. 🙂

After I put Isabel to nap, B washed the fans while I mopped the house. We felt pleased to be home and got some housework done. 

Isabel was blessed with a lot of hand-me-downs toys, books and clothes. The toys, especially, were taking up too much space at home. B and I made a decision to donate them to a Salvation Army Donation In Kind booth that is near our place. We rented a car, packed all the items in the car boot and off we went. It was a great feeling to declutter the house. B was wise to leave the decision to me because he would rather keep a lot of the items so he didn’t interfere with my decision-making. 

Next, we made our way to dinner at Sinpopo (near i12 Katong) last night. It was a lovely time and the food was great. 

Thankful for a Superb Sunday. I love spending time with my family. 

Where did my baby go?

It dawned upon me that Isabel is indeed growing up. 

Today before we changed her to jammies, she told me that she wanted to wear a dress to sleep. I asked if a particular dress was okay. She looked at it and agreed. So I took the dress out of her cupboard and put it on the sofa bed.  

When daddy changed her, he didn’t have a clue what agreement she had with me. She protested and screamed when he changed her. She refused to wear the long sleeves jammies top. She insisted on wearing the dress on the sofa bed and daddy managed to persuade her to wear the long pants jammies with her dress. As she sleeps in an air-conditioned room, I told her that she has to put on a thin jacket at the very least. She agreed. So tada, my almost 3 YO girl went to bed like that tonight. 

I’m glad that Isabel is asserting her independence and opinion but I also miss the times where she doesn’t have a say. 😛

Don’t grow up too fast, darling. 



The past few days we have been driving because Joseph went overseas and decided to lend us his car. What a blessing to be able to enjoy the privacy and convenience of having a car. Thankful for the break in routine of taking public transport. 🙂

If I follow God, I can be a happy person

This weekend Pastor spoke about ENJOYing life. The message seemed so familiar. One year ago, I was lonely, sad, trapped, and on the verge of doing something rash and silly. I was so glad someone found me and spoke joy into my life. “Life is already so hard, why must make it miserable?” “You’ve got to do things that make you happy.” While I can’t say I am super happy doing what I am doing, I think I am much better and happier now than a year ago. In the beginning of the year, I made a decision to be happy. Along the way, there are incidences which threaten my happiness but I am glad that I make the decision to continually make a choice to be happy despite of things that rob my joy. I can’t eliminate and control these bad things but I can control my reaction to them. 🙂 


I realized that after 2.5 years of mommyhood, I don’t enjoy the toddlerhood that much. It is a test of my patience and there were so many times I was easily irritated with Isabel. And so many times I felt guilty after disciplining/”abusing” her. I am not sure if I was too harsh and broke her spirit. Today I enjoyed giggling with her when she couldn’t fall back asleep after we came home from grocery shopping. She fell asleep on the supermarket trolley halfway through shopping and woke up when we reached home. 

I am enjoying family time more because it is so precious. 


Precious moment for Isabel with grandpa.