Author Archives: debbiewong

I choose me

Most of my life has been spent trying to shrink myself. Trying to become smaller. Quieter. Less sensitive. Less opinionated. Less needy. Less me. Because I didn’t want to be a burden. I didn’t want to be too much or push people away. I wanted people to like me. I wanted to be cared for and valued. I wanted to be wanted. So for years, I sacrificed myself for the sake of making other people happy. And for years, I suffered. But I’m tired of suffering, and I’m done shrinking. It’s not my job to change who I am in order to become someone else’s idea of a worthwhile human being. I am worthwhile. Not because other people think I am, but because I exist, and therefore I matter. My thoughts matter. My feelings matter. My voice matters. And with or without anyone’s permission or approval, I will continue to be who I am and speak my truth. Even if it makes people angry. Even if it makes them uncomfortable. Even if they choose to leave. I refuse to shrink. I choose to take up space. I choose to honour my feelings. I choose to give myself permission to get my needs met. I choose to make self-care a priority. I choose me.
Daniell Koepke
I could relate very well to the above quote. I had been a pleaser and sacrificial but deep down, I wasn’t really happy. It was only quite recently that I gave myself space and allow myself to acknowledge that my feelings matter and I choose to honor my feelings. Not  saying that I’m ruled by my feelings but rather being able to say and tell someone that I am not okay and that is okay. 

Having come from a creative dept background, my work schedule had been very flexible. Moving on to an administrative support dept since I got pregnant till now, I am still struggling to keep the 9-6pm working hours and the rigidity of work. I found it hard to fit into that image because I really do not like to be desk-bound. Although I have the qualities needed for the job, my spirit want something more than the mundane. I want to do more. Yet I am limited now because of my motherly responsibilities. Oh God, help me manage what I feel and what I want and where I serve best. Mould me and change me to serve Your purpose.  


Happy that my darling is happy 

Movie date: Pitch Perfect 2

B and I went for a movie date yesterday. We watched Pitch Perfect 2 and enjoyed it very much. 

After Isabel fell asleep last night, we continued to watch Pitch Perfect 1. I, very much a movie-deprived mom, enjoyed myself thoroughly. 

Thank you B for “forcing” me to watch a movie with you ;P


Where did my baby go?

It dawned upon me that Isabel is indeed growing up. 

Today before we changed her to jammies, she told me that she wanted to wear a dress to sleep. I asked if a particular dress was okay. She looked at it and agreed. So I took the dress out of her cupboard and put it on the sofa bed.  

When daddy changed her, he didn’t have a clue what agreement she had with me. She protested and screamed when he changed her. She refused to wear the long sleeves jammies top. She insisted on wearing the dress on the sofa bed and daddy managed to persuade her to wear the long pants jammies with her dress. As she sleeps in an air-conditioned room, I told her that she has to put on a thin jacket at the very least. She agreed. So tada, my almost 3 YO girl went to bed like that tonight. 

I’m glad that Isabel is asserting her independence and opinion but I also miss the times where she doesn’t have a say. 😛

Don’t grow up too fast, darling. 



This was my late night indulgence last week: sugarless plain yoghurt with blueberries, persimmon, dried cranberries, chickpeas and kinder choc. Hehe!  


Last Saturday’s lunch. As you can see from the photos, Isabel was really happy with her lunch. 

Today’s lunch was good!! Isabel finished it without any fuss. Why am I extremely thrilled when she has no fuss during mealtimes? Because there was once a very very difficult time of solid feeding. She was extremely fussy with her food. I am thanking God that she has passed that phase and is now more accepting of a variety of food. 

Just before her nap, Izzie asked to hold my hand. I hope she will find comfort in me even when she is older. 

Izzie, I enjoy Saturdays with you a lot. Thank you for being easy on me. You are such a joyful child with a heart of gold. Mommy loves you, darling. 



The past few days we have been driving because Joseph went overseas and decided to lend us his car. What a blessing to be able to enjoy the privacy and convenience of having a car. Thankful for the break in routine of taking public transport. 🙂

Conversations with my toddler

Ah ma: You cannot touch these things. Later break, how?

Izzie: Ask mommy to pay. Mommy has money. *sweat*

I seriously have no idea where she picked that up from.
Me: Izzie, what is in ah ma’s cup?

Izzie: coffee!

Ah ma: Izzie cannot drink coffee. Izzie is a small girl. 

Izzie: (points to ah ma) only big girls can drink coffee. 
When going out, I carried B’s bag coz he already packed all Izzie’s stuff into his bag earlier this morning. Upon seeing me carrying B’s bag,

Izzie: oh mommy, why are you carrying daddy’s bag? (And she looked puzzled)

Mommy: can mommy carry daddy’s bag?

No answer *sweat*

My Saturday with Isabel

Isabel finished her lunch without fuss today. I cooked HK styled noodles for her with salmon, red capsicum, corn and soup. 

Me: Izzie, why do you keep hiccuping today?

Izzie: Oh maybe I’m hungry. I want to eat rice. 

This was less than one hour after her lunch. *sweat* 

My in-laws who came over for the long weekend went to IKEA @ Tampines. I’m glad I stayed at home with Isabel so that she could get the afternoon nap that she needs. She had to sleep on me yesterday coz we were out shopping. Thankful that she gets to rest properly today. 🙂

Just before her nap, she gave me the sweetest smile and “pushed” Alfie the comforter towards me (a silent hint to me to switch on the lullaby for her). My heart is warmed. 


Lunch @ Kallang Wave


I had a good time checking out Kallang Wave with some of my department peeps yesterday over lunch. We took the circle line train from Promenade and alighted at Stadium. It is an interesting place with lots of food!! Lunch was yummy. Kless and I especially like the dry bak kut teh dish which we were too hungry to take a photo of it by the time it arrived at our table 🙂