Author Archives: debbiewong

Choose to be happy

Today Izzie pooped in her bathtub. I stared at the poo and then stared at her and decided to rescue her from her poo. Haha stressful moment which can be hilarious. I chose to be happy about it. 🙂

This is her after bath and feed. Happy bub she is!


On our own – 2

This morning, I fed Izzie, washed the milk bottles and sterilized them, changed water for the container with cool boiled water, bathed Izzie, fed her again, collected laundry and folded them, did two rounds of washings (one for baby clothes and the other for Soo Chee and me), mopped the floor, had lunch, washed the dishes, hanged the laundry, fed Izzie, washed milk bottles and sterilized them…

When I was about to rest, Izzie cried and I carried her. She spit up milk on me. Sob…No rest for me. When I settled her, I took a power 20 min nap. I am thankful for that. I shall confess I can do this!


On our own

We brought Izzie to the airport yesterday. My in laws were flying back to Penang. My mil has been a great help during my confinement. She cooks wonderful dishes for me and helps with the housework. Now that she is gone, we are on our own. With freedom comes great responsibility. My mom would now come in the afternoons to cook lunch for me. Oh God, help me pace myself. I can do this!

We brought Izzie to Starbucks for a little while after seeing my in laws off.

Time out treat


This is a late post. Soo Chee and I went for a mini date on Tuesday. Ok since being promoted to parents, our dates seem to have include shopping for household and baby stuff. That aside, I am glad we had a little time out to enjoy what I used to enjoy before getting pregnant. Caramel macchiato and blueberry muffin treat is simply lovely!

Watch the child, not the clock

As new parents, we took the instructions handed over by the SCN nurse that we are supposed to feed Izzie 45 ml every 3 hours. Over the past weeks, we have slowly increased her feed to 80 ml and as I watched her, I found myself unable to keep to the 3 hourly feeds as the days went by. Izzie is growing fast and she demands to be fed every 2 hours. Occasionally she could last 3-4 hours without feed, depending on the quality of her sleep. I have learnt to watch Izzie for her hunger signs instead of relying on the clock. I think 3 hourly feed is adult oriented. It eases the caregiver’s life especially when we are talking about the number of times we need to wake up at night. Although I like to have an easy life, I also understand that babies have small stomach and we can’t force them to drink large volumes of milk just so that it’s more convenient for us. I will feed every 2 hourly if that’s what Izzie wants. I have long decided to be child oriented in this aspect. 🙂

Precious moment

This morning Izzie didn’t go back to sleep after feed. Perhaps the diaper change made her wide awake. She peed while I was changing her. So there goes. I gotta change the swaddle and change her clothes as these got wet. When I put her to bed and went back to sleep, she cried. I carried her and put her on my shoulder for a while and she struggled downwards. So I put her back to bed. She cried again. This time I cradle held her close to me. She quietened down. Then she slowly drifted off to sleep. Then I realized she needed someone she can trust to put her to sleep. She is so dependent. What a precious moment with Izzie!! I hope these moments of quiet bonding will last forever. 🙂


Happy Birthday bub

I brought Izzie to the polyclinic yesterday for her Hep B 2nd dose jab. I must say I am super proud of my little bub for being so brave. She cried when being poked but she did not wail loudly. She weighs 3.3kg now. I am amazed how babies grow.


We also brought Izzie for her first haircut yesterday. My heart broke when I saw her beautiful hair being shaved. I shall believe and confess that more beautiful and healthy black hair will grow on Izzie!


Today, 11 Sep 2012, is the actual EDD for Izzie. I bathed Izzie and got a little more confident bathing her today. I hope I get better and better at this. I am getting more used to her hairless head now. Love her just the same.

Happy Birthday little bub!!


Clearing and cleaning

I took out the sofa bed cover and pillow covers in Izzie’s room for wash while Soo Chee cleared some space for Izzie’s things which increased exponentially after her full month party. He threw away old bed sheets and a chair. We went out together to throw these away. Then I did something I have never done since moving to our marital house. I offered to wash our toilet. I used Enjo gloves, cloth, scrub, marble slab, and water to clean the toilet. I was tired from bending and standing up from cleaning the bathroom shower screen. I told Soo Chee I needed a maid. Haha. Overall, I enjoyed clearing junk from the house and cleaning the house together with my man. More to come! ;p