Author Archives: debbiewong

A new thing!

The messages shared by Pastor Bobby and Pastor Aries in the last service of 2012 were ultra powerful and anointed for this season. 2012 has been a tough year for me, hubby and baby. Besides the pregnancy complications, there were work, family and spousal adjustments to be made. This has been an emotionally challenging year for me and it made me realize I could be a lot stronger than I thought. I have been blessed with a supportive CG and great friends. I am glad 2012 is coming to an end and I want to make a decision to move on. I shall confess that 2013 is a year of new thing! And it will be a year of breakthroughs for me.

Trust God from the bottom of your heart; don’t try to figure out everything on your own. Listen for God’s voice in everything you do, everywhere you go; he’s the one who will keep you on track. Don’t assume that you know it all. Run to God! Run from evil! Your body will glow with health, your very bones will vibrate with life! Honor God with everything you own; give him the first and the best.Your barns will burst, your wine vats will brim over. But don’t, dear friend, resent God’s discipline; don’t sulk under his loving correction. It’s the child he loves that God corrects; a father’s delight is behind all this. ~ Proverbs 3:5-12 (The Message)

Ending the year thanksgiving for the gifts God placed in my life


Marriage is…

A commitment. It’s success doesn’t depend on feelings, circumstances, or moods – but on two people who are loyal to each other and the vows they took on their wedding day…

Marriage is hard work. It means chores, disagreements, misunderstandings, and times when you might not like each other very much. But when you work at it together, it can be the greatest blessing in the world.

It’s a relationship where two people must listen, compromise, and respect…and a union in which two people learn from mistakes, and willingly adjust behaviors that need to be changed….

Marriage means talking things out, making necessary changes, and forgiving each other. It’s unconditional love at its most understanding and vulnerable – determined to triumph over every challenge and adversity.

Marriage is a partnership of two unique people who bring out the very best in each other and who know that even though they are wonderful as individuals…they are even better together.
~ Barbara Cage


The year is coming to an end in exactly a week’s time. Did I accomplish my goals for this year? Honestly, I did not set any goals this year. However, my life took a dramatic change this year. The year started with me being pregnant, then it was bed rest with the risk of miscarriage because of heavy bleeding. Towards the end of my first trimester, things became better. I went back to work and shortly after, I changed jobs. From a job nature of video editing, I dealt with a lot of admin and though it was tough initially, I grew to love what I did. When I just crossed into my third trimester, complications arose and I had to be hospitalized for a month. My emotions went roller coaster since then.

Izzie was delivered on 1 Aug 2012 at week 34. From being pregnant, I became a mommy. My family now included a little bub who needed to be fed every two hourly even throughout the night. There were changes to my body after giving birth. I had to be home confined and my food was restricted until Izzie turned one month old. It was tiring and depressing. I was discharged from a month’s stay at the hospital only to find myself being confined in my home for another month. It was such an emotionally challenging time to fit into my role and to care for a preemie. I suffered from post natal blues and there were mommy friends who looked out for me and helped me go through it.

By the third month of my maternity, I was getting used to my role and bonded well with bub. It was time to go back to work half days. Yet another transition and challenge. I felt torn between bub and work. I was struggling to go to work. My job description had totally changed again. It was a hard time of adjustment.

Then the exhaustion I felt…the boundaries & threats…the lost ‘me’…

Many changes in a year. Sometimes I wonder how in the world did I go through 2012. It hasn’t been easy but I just want to thank God for giving me more than sufficient grace and strength and for family and for sending Godly friends who helped me along the way.

This year ….
A year of challenges and valley moments.
A year which God showed me who my friends were and sent me genuine new friends.
A year which I receive the most precious gift from God.
A year which I grew closer to God by relying on Him.
A year of surrender and trust.
A year of closer bonding with the hubby as we went through tough times together.

2013. Let it be a better year. Same old brand new Debbie. > AQ


I, Wong Ee May Debbie take you, Teoh Soo Chee Andrew to be my wedded husband – to have and to hold from this day forward, for better or worse, for richer or poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish and to obey, as long as we both live, according to God’s holy ordinance; and thereto I give you my love.

Praise report

We went to KKH for a whole day today. Izzie has an appointment for hip ultrasound scan, an appointment for hearing test and an appointment with the neonatal doctor for follow up assessment. Her scan is normal and she passed her hearing test. The doctor said she could do what a full term 4 month baby could do. For example, she could raise her head 90 degree when placed on her tummy. Her height is at 50 percentile while her weight is catching up to 50 percentile. Praise the Lord!!! Izzie is our champion.

4 months 1 week: 62 cm & 6.33kg

She is one happy bub

Sunday morning

This morning, I was greeted with all smiles and delightful squeals. It was a sweet time with Izzie. Then I went to make milk for her, only to be back to a pouty baby with a big drop of tear at the side of her right eye. Awww melts my heart. Then I fed her and bathed her all by myself. She looked at me for a long time. I love moments with Izzie. The world stops just for the two of us.
Next, I washed her clothes and her milk bottle. I went to bathe when Izzie fell asleep. She is growing up too fast, I must enjoy every moment with baby Izzie. 🙂


My thoughts as a mommy


I was greeted with smiles this morning when I went into Izzie’s room. How lovely is the moment. In times like this, I feel like the top of the world. 🙂


First time Izzie smiled during tummy time.

It is such a joy to see my own child reach milestones in her life. I pray that I will never be too busy and miss out the important little things in family life.

The struggle to go back to work is a very real one. I have never imagined myself struggling with this but I guess I have formed a bonding with Izzie and I felt torn between work and baby. I am not exactly on top of things but I will give myself time to adjust and I will be nicer to me.

This verse is so apt.
But God’s not finished. He’s waiting around to be gracious to you. He’s gathering strength to show mercy to you. God takes the time to do everything right-everything. Those who wait around for him are the lucky ones.
Isa 30:18