Watch the child, not the clock

As new parents, we took the instructions handed over by the SCN nurse that we are supposed to feed Izzie 45 ml every 3 hours. Over the past weeks, we have slowly increased her feed to 80 ml and as I watched her, I found myself unable to keep to the 3 hourly feeds as the days went by. Izzie is growing fast and she demands to be fed every 2 hours. Occasionally she could last 3-4 hours without feed, depending on the quality of her sleep. I have learnt to watch Izzie for her hunger signs instead of relying on the clock. I think 3 hourly feed is adult oriented. It eases the caregiver’s life especially when we are talking about the number of times we need to wake up at night. Although I like to have an easy life, I also understand that babies have small stomach and we can’t force them to drink large volumes of milk just so that it’s more convenient for us. I will feed every 2 hourly if that’s what Izzie wants. I have long decided to be child oriented in this aspect. 🙂

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