Happy Birthday bub

I brought Izzie to the polyclinic yesterday for her Hep B 2nd dose jab. I must say I am super proud of my little bub for being so brave. She cried when being poked but she did not wail loudly. She weighs 3.3kg now. I am amazed how babies grow.


We also brought Izzie for her first haircut yesterday. My heart broke when I saw her beautiful hair being shaved. I shall believe and confess that more beautiful and healthy black hair will grow on Izzie!


Today, 11 Sep 2012, is the actual EDD for Izzie. I bathed Izzie and got a little more confident bathing her today. I hope I get better and better at this. I am getting more used to her hairless head now. Love her just the same.

Happy Birthday little bub!!


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