Day 2

I left Izzie at the OT from 8.30am. Waited till almost 3pm before I got a call from KKH CICU that they have settled Izzie and we could go in and see her. In between, PAZ came to pray with us. It was a great comfort. We also went online shopping for baby clothes and stuff…just a little distraction from the intensity felt during the surgery. We were already prepared to see many tubes on her the night before when we had the orientation with the ICU staff nurse. I was ready. When we saw Izzie, she looked good!!! Better than expected. The doctors were happy and said that she was stable for the surgery and would be expecting her to be stable in recovery. Praise God. I am thankful for the church family who supported us and prayed with us throughout the entire time. Jeffrey came after dinner. Pastor Eileen, Connie and Joanna Sin came shortly after. Blessed by their presence.

We couldn’t stay over by Izzie’s bedside at the ICU because there were too many machine around so we decided to come home to rest. Tomorrow is a new great day! Just before we left, the doc removed her breathing tube. Praise the Lord! One tube down. Counting victories one at a time. Izzie wears the victor’s crown!


I had some me time with God just before PAZ came. I wandered off on my own and ended up in a garden. While absorbing God’s presence, He told me that if He could take care of birds and plants, what more Izzie? I could trust in Him to take care of Izzie and of us, even our untold needs.

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