21 Aug – My day today

I met Chris at Ikea for lunch today. It was a simple and enjoyable time of catching up and Izzie played a part to make it an easy time for us by behaving herself and entertaining us with her little ways.

We went for purposeful shopping after lunch. I bought additional Drona boxes for my 4 x 4 Expedit shelving unit. Izzie’s toys are invading our shelf. It started with 2 then 4 and now, 6 shelves are filled with Izzie’s toys!!! It sure makes me happy to see a neat and organized house. Somehow organization makes me feel good. I also bought 2 throws for the sofa and a floor mat to replace a current worn out one.

Izzie’s a little more cranky today. Could be due to a slight fever she had. Delayed reaction from the MMR (Measles, Mumps and Rubella) jab she had last Monday. She and I battled for slightly more than an hour before she finally gave in to sleep.

My mom delivered dinner. Yummy apple soup. I am thankful that she is willing to cook dinner and deliver dinner to us whenever she can.

Then I prepared Izzie’s puree. Why am I obssessed with preparing baby food? I think because I have more time at home with the temporary work from home arrangement. It isn’t easy making time to prepare baby food with 40 hour work week in office (plus preparation time and travelling time). So I really gotta make full use of the time I have now to do whatever I can and make this a fruitful time of doing things for and with Izzie. I am thankful for the grace.


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