Izzie’s turning 1!

We are gonna celebrate Izzie’s first birthday this Sunday. Her actual birthday is 1 Aug. How fast time flies. It was just a while ago that we were still needing to cradle her because her neck wasn’t strong enough. Last year this time, I was in hospital for the entire month of July, praying everyday that she will be okay, healthy and strong. Despite the bad news at the last trimester, Izzie came out 9/10 on the Apgar scale at week 34. She weighed 2.16kg and was 44cm long. She was in NICU for a day or two and then transferred out to Special Care Nursery. By the time she hit one week (Week 35), she was home. What a champ!

Her health through these 11 months wasn’t something to be taken for granted. She was hospitalised twice in March for breathlessness due to broncholitis and once in June for the same problem. CT scan and bronchoscopy show her LPA sling is causing a compression on the trachea and docs at KKH suggested LPA sling correction.

We brought Izzie to KKH for a follow up with the paediatrician on Monday. She now weighs 8.48kg and is 73cm long. The PD is happy with her. He said that she is already doing some things that 12 month old babies do although her corrected age is 11 months due to her prematurity. Developmental-wise she has achieved most for her age-appropriate milestones. Praise God for good report.

Since her hospitalisation in June and the suggested needful surgery, she has been kept pretty much at home. Whenever I bring her out, she would be so happy. Today I brought her out to Ikea. Just me and her. It was an enjoyable time with her. I felt blessed just spending my afternoon with her.


As I looked back at the past one year, indeed she has filled my life with so much meaning, love and joy. I have done things for her that I didn’t want to do for myself. Like waking up at 6am every morning to bring her to nursery. Like making breakfast for her when I would just skip having breakfast. I must say that I am biased and I know it but I must still say that Izzie has been easy. She has made it easy for us to be her parents and she has made us look good. Haha. Training and stuff? I don’t think we did much to make her sleep through the night at 3 months. She did it on her own. She doesn’t fuss a lot. She is just blessed with a quiet and a gentle spirit. The love for reading? We tried to introduce books to her when she was 2 months and she just has a natural affinity towards books, pictures and words. Food-wise, hmm she has a bit to catch up on eating solids. Hehe. I think we didn’t really make very strict structures/rules. We just do our best to be the best parents to Izzie. Discipline at this age isn’t appropriate but we try to explain even though she may not understand fully, but if we repeat, I believe one day she will get it. She is starting to understand “no” and I am glad for the many times she cooperated with me when I tried to clean her (something that she doesn’t really like). Motherhood for first time working mommy is TOUGH but when I see Izzie smile, I felt it was all worth it.

I am glad to be Izzie’s mommy! She is my greatest blessing the past one year and many years to come. I am thankful for this sweet promise of God. Mommy love you Izziebub. Have a joyous 1st birthday!



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