Gratefulness – State of expressing gratitude

Blogging, like cooking is addictive, I discovered. Haha once I started blogging again, there is “ink water” (mo shui, izzit? haha someone said that to me before).  Anyway I am still on the theme of gratefulness. 10 things I wanna give thanks for today.

#1: I am grateful that the hubby woke up real early today to prepare breakfast so that we could have a rare breakfast together. He is so sweet. Haha if I could put an analogy, he is the sugar and I am the coffee? Why did I say that? Because for all the bitterness I experience, with his presence, there could be sweetness found. 😛

#2: I am grateful that Izzie is mostly fuss-free. There are many times I could just leave her alone to play by herself and she is okay, quietly exploring her world. Of coz, there are many times she would cry for attention and for comfort. She is after all still a baby who needs to be loved, fed, cleaned and cared for. What I am saying is there are times (plenty, I would say) she frees me up to do the needful things.

#3: I am grateful to be given the opportunity to direct @ Leaders’ Appreciation Night 2010. I had just started directing full Expo services then and Feng trusted me to do the job. I am just very thankful to do this more than all the other big day dramas that I have directed. I think it is a very precious moment to see all the TV leaders actually SIT in the service and enjoy the night. It was also that time that I did up my first short video for viewing in church setting.

#4: I am grateful for the opportunity to sign up for SOT 2005. I convinced both my parents to let me go for SOT and that itself was a big breakthrough. Up to then, I have never stayed in a ministry for more than a year. I have a history of giving up. I felt my greatest achievement was not doing well at exams/preaching tests. It was having to COMPLETE the 10 months of SOT with all assignments handed up. I learnt tenacity.

#5: I am grateful to have met Soo Chee in TV ministry. I am super glad that God answered my prayer: Soo Chee told me that he likes me first and not me having to do the telling. Haha! 😛

#6: Although not perfect, I am grateful for a nice, memorable childhood. Things may not be always pretty at home but at least my parents gave me a conducive home where both parents are around for me and provided for me till my adult years.

#7: I am grateful to my friend Meizhen who brought me to City Harvest. Although I wanted to leave all the time during the initial years, I am glad this is where I found love & belonging. In CHC, I found many good Godly friends who would be there for me through good times and bad times.

#8: I am grateful to my ex CGL, Christina. One thing that she has deposited into me and has always stayed with me is that difficult moments don’t last and we might never experience it again. Treasure them. These I add: Be better, be stronger.

#9: I am grateful to be able to work from home. I get to be with Izzie and I get to work.

#10: I am grateful to God for working in amazing ways, in ways I never imagined. God’s timing is perfect.

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