171112 Baby Dedication

Today is Izzie’s baby dedication. Pastor Aries, Pastor Yong and Pastor Audrey prayed for the miracle baby, Isabel. Soo Chee and I were so touched by them. When Pastor Audrey prayed, tears welled up my eyes because I could sense a strong anointing. Pastor Audrey had been my zone pastor for many years before I went over to TV1. She told us to believe in Izzie’s total healing just as she believes in total healing for Tyler. Pastor Audrey touched me in a special way…a gentle touch…a soft answer…a loving gaze…a genuine reach out…

“Isabel will be a great child and a testimony for God” ~ Pastor Audrey



I am thankful to God for bringing healthy growth to Izzie and for His forever goodness in our lives. I am thankful for family & friends who pray with us and encourage us to always hang on to the promises of God.

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