Monthly Archives: September 2015

Funny convo with tod

Me: Mommy called Teacher Jane to say that you are not going to school today because the air is smelly (haze)

Izzie: *with the widest smile* Thank you very much
Me: Izzie, do you have money?

Izzie: Yes

Me: How much?

Izzie: Zero
Izzie: Mommy, you want to make it happier?

Me: How to make it happier?

Izzie: like that *she smiled*
I went over to Izzie coz she was crying. 

Me: What happened?

Izzie: Help me wipe the tears *pointed to the water droplets on the floor*
Izzie: Something come out

Me: What came out?

Izzie: the mucus
Izzie: why mommy bring out the tablet? X 3

Me: because the tablet is charged

Izzie: the tablet charged already. Woah. So nice. 

Daddy: it’s time to sleep now

Izzie: har? Why sleep again? 


12 Sept 2015


Izzie took a long while to nap yesterday. Same as Friday night. It hit my limit and I shouted at her “you are taking too long to sleep!” She tapped on my leg lightly and said softly “I love you” a few times till I acknowledge. When she still refused to sleep and did funny things (and I gave her a last warning), I caned her hard on her thigh. She cried softly, scratched the wounds and said “I love you”. I told her firmly why I caned her and she seemed to understand. Then I cuddled her and she fell asleep in my arms. My eyes got all blurred and I realized God’s love for us. When He “seemed hard”, He loves us a lot and it pains His heart too to discipline us, yet it is necessary. Izzie is special and precious. I love her more now. 😊 She is my very patient teacher 😭 #diaryofamommy