Monthly Archives: June 2015

First Sunday of June 15

It was raining during lunch time and MacDonalds didn’t want to deliver. B and I looked in the fridge and freezer for ingredients and decided to cook lunch instead. We had HK noodles with breaded chicken breast and broccoli. Yummy!! Thanks B for cooking. I am a blessed wife. 🙂

After I put Isabel to nap, B washed the fans while I mopped the house. We felt pleased to be home and got some housework done. 

Isabel was blessed with a lot of hand-me-downs toys, books and clothes. The toys, especially, were taking up too much space at home. B and I made a decision to donate them to a Salvation Army Donation In Kind booth that is near our place. We rented a car, packed all the items in the car boot and off we went. It was a great feeling to declutter the house. B was wise to leave the decision to me because he would rather keep a lot of the items so he didn’t interfere with my decision-making. 

Next, we made our way to dinner at Sinpopo (near i12 Katong) last night. It was a lovely time and the food was great. 

Thankful for a Superb Sunday. I love spending time with my family. 

Ever since I put Isabel at 3YO Harvestkidz room, I have not seen a single of her artwork when I picked her up (unlike when she was in 2YO). So I thought and was a bit worried that she doesn’t like art and craft. I had feedbacks from the 3 YO teachers that she was climbing all over and fell down a few times. They were also feedbacks that she did not talk much. 

So I was taken in by surprise yesterday when the teacher at 3 YO gave me her artwork and she told me that Isabel was very participative in class and that she answered all the questions correctly. I’m so proud of you, darling. Continue to love Harvestkidz, babe. 


First day @ a new childcare centre

Today is the first day at a new school for Izzie. What was I thinking? I wasn’t even prepared that she might need us to be there emotionally as she adapts to a new environment. It was just another day when B drops her off in school. We both didn’t take leave like how we did when she first joined the previous childcare. She didn’t cry and was happy to be in school. This time however, she was crying on and off at the slightest things. B had to stay with her for an hour and slowly made his way to work when Izzie wasn’t paying attention and was more engaged in school activities. 

When I picked Izzie up, she was happily watching nursery rhyme video on the projector screen. She did somewhat like “complain/whine/cry” on the way home. 


I hope she adjusts well to her new school over the next few days. Babe, mommy is so proud of you for being so brave on day 1. 
A conversation I had with her after her bath. 

Me: Izzie, do you have new friends today?

Izzie: Yes

Me: How many friends do you have?

Izzie: 1

Me: What is his/her name?

Izzie: Isabel
