Monthly Archives: May 2015

Conversations with my toddler

Ah ma: You cannot touch these things. Later break, how?

Izzie: Ask mommy to pay. Mommy has money. *sweat*

I seriously have no idea where she picked that up from.
Me: Izzie, what is in ah ma’s cup?

Izzie: coffee!

Ah ma: Izzie cannot drink coffee. Izzie is a small girl. 

Izzie: (points to ah ma) only big girls can drink coffee. 
When going out, I carried B’s bag coz he already packed all Izzie’s stuff into his bag earlier this morning. Upon seeing me carrying B’s bag,

Izzie: oh mommy, why are you carrying daddy’s bag? (And she looked puzzled)

Mommy: can mommy carry daddy’s bag?

No answer *sweat*

My Saturday with Isabel

Isabel finished her lunch without fuss today. I cooked HK styled noodles for her with salmon, red capsicum, corn and soup. 

Me: Izzie, why do you keep hiccuping today?

Izzie: Oh maybe I’m hungry. I want to eat rice. 

This was less than one hour after her lunch. *sweat* 

My in-laws who came over for the long weekend went to IKEA @ Tampines. I’m glad I stayed at home with Isabel so that she could get the afternoon nap that she needs. She had to sleep on me yesterday coz we were out shopping. Thankful that she gets to rest properly today. 🙂

Just before her nap, she gave me the sweetest smile and “pushed” Alfie the comforter towards me (a silent hint to me to switch on the lullaby for her). My heart is warmed.