Monthly Archives: March 2015


I must say that Isabel really warms my heart. She decided to let her 3 soft toys sleep on her pillow.

Me: There is no space for you on the pillow. Then how?

Isabel: *didn’t say a word and didn’t remove the soft toys*

I gave her another pillow to lay her head. 

This generosity is also displayed to the people around her. With her favorite food in her hand, we would ask her to share her food. She would go one round to make sure everyone has something. Even if it was the last piece, she would give it away. I am proud of my girl. 🙂 

Heart matters

If you live long enough, you’ll make mistakes. But if you learn from them, you’ll be a better person. It’s how you handle adversity, not how it affects you. The main thing is never quit, never quit, never quit.

William J. Clinton

You may never ever find out what you did for me and for us. I didn’t regret saying onz. #godtookcareofmyheart


I am glad Isabel is well today and I could bring her to Children’s Church. Praise the Lord for His healing upon her life. 

On the way to church, Izzie suddenly turned to me and said, “It’s a special day!” 

Although there were so many times she pushed my buttons all over with her pickiness and drama, her affections and warmth have melted me countless times as well. I guess everything comes in a package and it’s all good. I’m always glad when Izzie asks for love and affections from me and B. 

In church, my pastor is now in a LIFE series and today he talks about Forgiveness. I sat next to a boy named Norman and at the end of service, I was given a wonderful opportunity to pray for his healing. God’s love was so tangible and I know He is our healer and has finished the work for us. 

Soulful dinner 11.3.15

Tonight, a few Easterners in my cell group went for dinner together at POD Tampines. The place was cosy & homely and the staff was very friendly, loving and thoughtful. Some pictures to do the talking…

So much love in a pot

A very thoughtful Darryl was worried that Izzie wouldn’t enjoy the pot so she made her a bowl of soup which is more child-friendly. So much love!

After dinner, I asked for something sweet and was served Affogato. It is awesome! So much love!

I have never seen Izzie click so well with any kid before as with Lauren (Darryl’s girl). She affectionately calls her jiejie and follows Lauren willingly. 

To sum it all, I shall end this entry with Alicia’s Instagram post. 

Thank you Jesus for today. 

Note: Izzie said this in her prayer tonight “Thank you God for fun with jiejie.” Those are such precious words that brought so much warmth in my heart. My prayer for Izzie is that she will grow up to be a loving jiejie also to those who are younger than her.