Monthly Archives: February 2015

Since Izzie’s corrective surgery in Aug 2013, she has been kept out of hospitalisation. Instead, she seems to need a visit to the PD due to phlegm congestion which causes loud breathing every month starting May 2014 when she went to childcare. This cycle of falling sick and taking 1-2 weeks to get well and then falling sick again 2 weeks later has taken a toll on me. Every time she falls sick, I ask myself should I go part time or quit my job completely to take better care of her.

Last month when she took two weeks MC, I “slipped”… I felt like I was at crossroads. Part time wasn’t the solution because if she is sick, I will need to take care of her the whole day. So it is a question of leaving the workforce. Now, I do know my capacity. I will go crazy being a full time stay home mom. So I made a decision to grit my teeth and ask God for grace and brace through these 2 years. Someone spoke faith into me that day when I slipped. “It is a temporary thing. She will outgrow this.” Faith exploded on the inside on me. I want to pray and confess the healing promise of God over Izzie. Step by step, I will conquer the giant ahead (persevere). Izzie will grow up to be strong and healthy.

Tonight we opened #kitchen931. We went grocery shopping after lunch. On the menu was cabbage pork rib soup, steamed fish and stir fry spinach. As I was cooking the soup, I realized that there was already a lot of vege so I asked B not to cook the spinach. Instead he fried minced pork with kecap manis.

Tada our dinner tonight.


Unfortunately and for the first time, I saw Izzie reject vege. She didn’t like the cabbage. She rejected the rice as well. So her carbo came from the corn and she likes the pork and soup and fish very much. In fact, she drank almost double of her usual soup portion. Yippie to me because it is the first time I cook cabbage soup.

Tonight I felt like this is family. Home cooked dinner all on our own for us at home. I am looking forward to cooking more with B.


Although B and I said that we would not spare the rod when it comes to our children, we have never actually bought a physical cane. Izzie is now 30 mos.

Along with the adorable moments, came terrible twos as well. Izzie is throwing more tantrums now. When she doesn’t get what she wants, she would lay on the floor and suck her thumb or she would fake-cry or she would scream. She hasn’t learnt how to express her emotions maturely yet.

It happened again yesterday when I was trying to get her to look at me during a non-intense moment but she refused and it developed into a full blown temper tantrum. She was crying and whining, and refused to cooperate.

I was trying to speak to her simply but I am inexperienced with kids…so the sentences turned out to be rather long and complicated and of course, she didn’t get what I meant.

I decided to put her on the time-out chair and I told her 3 simple sentences REPEATEDLY to get her to calm down.
1. No crying
2. No whining
3. Look at mommy’s eyes
Every time she got one of the 3 things right, I would point it out to her and I would repeat the 3 sentences until she got all right. It sure took a long time to discipline her and she finally calmed down. I foresee more of such session and I pray for God’s wisdom and understanding to come upon us.

This is such a nice chair I found online. It costs $60! >.< of coz we didn't buy it. I think it is too attractive for a time-out chair.