Monthly Archives: November 2014

Izzie @ 2YO HK class

This week is Izzie’s 4th time attending HK class on her own. She enjoys Children’s Church and I am proud of my babe for her independence. It used to be so challenging during the transition between nursery and HK. Finally, I can attend English service in main hall again. Thank you Jesus for giving me strength all these while.


IMG_2639Izzie is talking and singing more these days. It is heart-warming and amusing to listen to izzietod’s talk. 😀 I am proud of her milestones and happy that she is growing up!!


27 Mos

1 Nov 14: Happy 27 Mos

Izzie said “hi” and “excuse me” to the ant on the ground. How amusing!

Izzie went to 2 YO Harvest Kidz class. She was clingy but I made a decision to leave her discreetly. I was very glad that I didn’t receive a call from the teacher to tell me that she has been crying for more than 10 mins. Izzie was in the class for 1.5 hours! Hooray! I am looking forward to attending service again, uninterrupted. 🙂

2 Nov 14
Finally I felt like “this house” is a good investment. Coz all along Izzie felt like this is a trap and refused to go in. It was under utilized until now. She called it “playground” on her own accord today. She climbed up and down the slide all by herself. I am super proud of her because it took her a long time to muster the courage and confidence to do it.

Izzie suddenly said “xie xie” to the cashier at the bakery when I was paying money. Both the cashier and me were shocked for a while.

Izzie didn’t fuss at all during meal times this weekend. Yay!

I am a proud mama and Izzie has made it extra special this weekend.

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