Monthly Archives: November 2012

1 Nov: Back to work

I went back to work today. I already started missing Izzie since yesterday. It was a heavy little morning apart from Izzie. I had enjoyed spending time with Izzie all these while.

Izzie: Mommy, please don’t go back to work

Izzie turns 3 months today. Oh look at how she has grown!

Angel Jus delivered toffee nut latte to my house yesterday, the last day of my maternity

Today, Jus gave me a self made welcome lunch. I felt so loved and so blessed to have a friend like her.

When I came home from work, the grandmas who took care of Izzie told me that Izzie did not nap all day. The most she napped was for 10 mins. My mom said Izzie was waiting for me to come home. How sweet. Haha I chose to believe. When I carried Izzie in my arms, she fell asleep shortly.

I miss Izzie. Oh God, make my heart strong.