Monthly Archives: November 2012

Wonderful Wednesday

Two thumbs up for Izzie who weighs 6kg on 28 Nov. She will turn 4 months on 1 Dec.

Looky look! I am so proud of my girl for lifting her head so high above her mattress. Milestone achievement on 28 Nov when I gave her tummy time. Izzie is a champion.


I am also very proud of Soo Chee for bringing Izzie out alone to KKH! First time for him. 🙂
We met at KKH and brought Izzie for her cardiac follow up. We will continue to believe and confess and pray for Izzie’s total healing.

After we were done at KKH, we headed to Tampines 1 Muji and got ourselves a little Christmas tree. It so brings the mood of the happiest time of the year to our home.




Today I felt a little adventurous. As Izzie was asleep in Feng’s arms, I went to the main hall to feel the atmosphere. The presence of God was very strong and it drew me to want to stay in the hall to soak in His presence. So I informed Feng and she was so kind to take care of Izzie. I am very thankful to be able to worship God in His house again.


Feng giving Izzie lessons on directing

Soo Chee and I with bub bub had dinner with CK, Marina, Hann and Wanxia at Thai Express after service. It was a lovely dinner meet up. Thankful for the fellowship. What a happy day!

Thanksgiving 2012

The year is coming to an end and I would like it to end with thanksgiving.

This year started with excitement when my second pee stick showed + again on New Year’s Day. The pregnancy journey wasn’t exactly an easy journey but there were precious memorable moments like when we first saw Isabel’s baby sac, heard her heartbeats, saw her nose, saw her head and her body and later her fingers, and her face on ultrasound scans. I felt an undescribable joy when I first felt her fetal movements while I was napping. I remembered it came in three ‘knocks’. 🙂

Bleeding was worrying during the first trimester. Excessive weight gain was worrying during the last trimester. I was warded in the hospital for one month before delivery and Isabel was born one month premature due to pregnancy complications. It was a tough time but I was very thankful to God and for the angels He sent.

(Not in order of their importance to me because everyone of them is precious)

Our parents for offering financial support and moms for cooking nice food and soups for me during my pregnancy, my hospital stay and confinement.

Pastor Aries who came for home visit in Feb during my bed rest and made me feel like Jesus visited me and touched me. His prayers and encouragements are very appreciated.

Ruth Quek for coming to my house to accompany me during bed rest and cooking soups for me. Thanks for visiting me in the hospital too.

Ja for coming to my house to accompany me during bed rest and buying nice mee soto for me and coming to my home during my maternity leave to be a friend.

Fengling for calling me late in the night and praying with me when I was feeling scared and the emails she wrote to me to encourage me. Thanks for your generous gifts to me and Izzie!

Karen Chua who has been there for me since the beginning and who prayed with me and reached out to me in my lowest point during the complicated pregnancy. That God moment was so real when I felt Jesus was crying with me and He feels every heartache inside me. Thank you for the many times you bought macs breakfast for me just to cheer me up. Thank you also for offering your broadcast service and for being my “husband” for two hours in the delivery suite. Thank you for the home visits and for the times you ferry me home.

Christine, Joseph and Wanxia for accompanying us throughout the day when the hour long amniocentesis was done. Wanxia for the blueberries and soya bean milk you got for me and getting William to buy me YAMI yoghurt! 🙂

TV1 for your love offering, prayers and visitations.

Jus for your daily encouraging verse & Joanna for your beautiful flowers and presence.

Suraj for your words of wisdom and medical advice. Thank you for speaking joy to my soul. Thank you for the Cedele carrot cake and joke book.

Menghow for your prayers and presence. Because of your prayer, I saw a vision of Izzie’s face before she was born.

Dr Lim ML for your tender loving care throughout my stay at KKH. Your words brought comfort to me in the worst times.

William Ally & Emma We are very touched by your visits and encouragements. Emma is such a joyful baby!!

Marina for always looking out for me and praying with me. Thank you for the home visits and hospital visits. You made me feel it’s ok to have feelings and be truthful about them especially with post natal blues.

Wendy, you are God-sent. You always ask how I was doing. You prayed with me, visited me, encouraged me, fasted for Izzie… What have I done to deserve a genuine friend?

My dearest hubby. I would have given up a long time ago if not for you. The many days I had to stay in delivery suite. It was the worst nightmare. There were so many times I stung but you continued to be patient, to be strong, to be loving towards me. I really appreciate the moments we read psalms to Izzie and prayed with her even before she was born. I appreciate you for bringing me to KKH mall. Thank you for taking care of my heart during the difficult times.

Of cos Izzie for bringing so much joy in our lives! You are a beautiful miracle baby, our champion and we love you lots!!!

Ending 2012 with thanksgiving…


Izzie is smiling more now and is learning to laugh. She is trying to make happy noises too. Those delightful noises amuse me. We are glad she is a happy baby.

Here is Izzie at Enya’s 3rd birthday and Ethan’s 1st month party today.


171112 Baby Dedication

Today is Izzie’s baby dedication. Pastor Aries, Pastor Yong and Pastor Audrey prayed for the miracle baby, Isabel. Soo Chee and I were so touched by them. When Pastor Audrey prayed, tears welled up my eyes because I could sense a strong anointing. Pastor Audrey had been my zone pastor for many years before I went over to TV1. She told us to believe in Izzie’s total healing just as she believes in total healing for Tyler. Pastor Audrey touched me in a special way…a gentle touch…a soft answer…a loving gaze…a genuine reach out…

“Isabel will be a great child and a testimony for God” ~ Pastor Audrey



I am thankful to God for bringing healthy growth to Izzie and for His forever goodness in our lives. I am thankful for family & friends who pray with us and encourage us to always hang on to the promises of God.




I had a little playtime with Izzie on Thursday afternoon. Izzie likes the movements and sounds of the rattle and she is intrigued by her own reflection. Her attention span is slightly longer now and she kept tracking the movements of the rattle. Yay!

Delightful squeaks

Tonight after a feed, Izzie cried. I went to her and carried her to calm her down. Then she gave me 3 delightful smiles cum squeaks! Haha right there and then, everything felt okay although there was a turmoil of emotions inside me for a while now. I hope that was Izzie’s attempt at expressing herself in the presence of her mommy. 🙂 How sweet!

I was reminded to be thankful this morning for Izzie’s growth for the past 3 months. Only God could bring forth growth.


Izzie likes to be in a sitting position now. Heh she could only stay in this position by herself for max 2 sec before falling left or falling right.


How sweet the sleep

Long weekend

We have a long weekend because Deepavali falls on Tuesday. I am grateful for some family moments and I got to spend some good time with a good friend.

My parents came over on Sunday to see Izzie. I think this is such a beautiful picture of my dad with Izzie. My dad has never enjoyed taking photos and he seldom smiles for the camera. I really like this candid photo that I took of him and Izzie.


Dinner at Fish and Co on Sunday



Lunch at Tea Cosy with Wendy on Monday
I was so upset with myself for forgetting to take a photo with Wendy. I really enjoyed myself fellowshipping with Wendy and I especially like the sofa there coz Izzie gets to lie on it comfortably. 🙂 Of cos, I so satisfied my craving of baked mushrooms and smoked salmon toasties.


Lunch at Toby’s on Tuesday
Quite a tasty and affordable lunch!


We ended the day by going to my parents’ for dinner. Yay!! So grateful for the chance to spend quality time with loved ones. Looking forward to more of such precious moments.

Ending my post here with two faves for today.
I still love my bub bub despite the mess she makes. Hehehe…



Finding my bearing…

When I was single, I think that being attached would take up a lot of my personal time but I was very willing to share my time with someone whom I think could potentially be my husband.

When I was attached, I enjoyed the courtship process a lot. I think it could be financially challenging to hold a wedding and own a house.

When I got married and owned a house, I think household chores take up a lot of a married couple’s time. Off days on Monday were spent cleaning up the house. I cannot imagine how I could cope when I have children.

When I have a baby, the household chores and things to do for a baby become so much that I have to set priorities of which tasks are more urgent to do and do them first. I cannot imagine how I could cope when I have another child.

First times with Izzie:

On Friday, Soo Chee took half day off. He went for a haircut while I took Izzie bub on a shopping trip. It was the first time I carried her on ergo baby and still had to push her stroller (with baby bag) around. I conquered Tampines Mall and Century Square in an hour and Soo Chee was still not done. Then I went to The Box and came out with two new tops for myself. Hehe so proud of myself. Indeed I am not ‘paralyzed’ even when I have Izzie around. She was happily sleeping in ergo baby.

Today Soo Chee had to work a whole day. I did the morning chores and then changed Izzie’s diaper and fed her when she woke up. Then I brought her to the market to buy my breakfast and lunch. Yay another alone time with Izzie and a success. Hooray to new mommy, me. After my breakfast, I bathed Izzie and washed her clothes. 🙂 It is a beautiful day!
