Monthly Archives: October 2012

Sleeping on stomach

Izzie slept through the night for two weeks and then for the entire week last week, she kept wanting night feeds all over again. It became very tiring for Soo Chee and me because we got used to sleeping through the night. Haha. God, give us grace.

Izzie couldn’t sleep well because she startled herself awake a lot of times so we tried to let her sleep on her stomach with supervision. She slept for 5 continuous hours yesterday afternoon and did not drink milk for almost 7 hours. Amazing. It seems like sleeping on her stomach gives her security…



I, me and myself (plus Izzie)

Since the arrival of Izzie, I felt like “I have lost my life”. I could not longer do anything continuous for more than 3 hours without interruption. I couldn’t even watch a whole church service online. Even during “dates” with Soo Chee, we ended up buying baby essential stuff. The very first time I went out by myself without Izzie or hubby was a dinner date with Marina. Then I went for some personal grooming: Facial and hair cut/color. Last Monday, I went out with Joanna to get me some new clothes and a bag!! Yay!! It feels good to finally buy something for myself after many many months. As it was a PH last Friday, we went to Orchard with my MIL and Izzie. I bought CNY clothes for Izzie and a pair of boots for myself. :))) Normalcy is coming back to me.

Delighted Debbie

Today I washed Izzie’s clothes, gro bag and her bed sheet. I vacuumed and mopped the house floor. I washed all the floor mats.

I washed her playpen mattress sheet two days ago. The house window blinds were washed last week. I felt accomplished and I am happy that the house is clean. The recent project, cleaning and tidying the house have helped me “worked” out of my post natal blues. Yes, I have the blues though I thought I would never have it and have never ever mentioned to people other than a few close ones. That itself is another long post. I shall take a break here.


I am going back to work on 1 Nov. When my maternity and confinement started, I got so bored I couldn’t wait to get OUT or get back to work. I started enjoying my alone time with Izzie at home mid Sept and now that I am going back to work, I think I am so going to miss Izzie.

This is just a little photo I did up today for the little champ.


One more 🙂


New project

I am starting a new project this week and I need the sun’s help. Read on.

One of the little things that distressed me during my confinement was how messy my soft toys were.


It has always been like that. We have tried looking for storage shelves but the dimensions and the space we have did not match. After some discussion with Soo Chee, we decided to engage Joseph Yew to custom-build a display unit for me to put the soft toys nicely.


Measurements were taken and we endorsed the quotation. The unit was finally installed on Monday.

We have sent “Andrew” for a bath 2 weeks ago. On Sunday, we sent our bridal car bears for a bath. We are sending 3 bears (Samson, Koko and my graduation FF bear) to Penang for a bath. Why Penang? Coz my MIL said it is cheaper to dryclean in Penang. As for the rest of the bears, I would be bathing them bit by bit. 🙂


Day 1: Trial with small white bears


Day 2: Orange bears

I am excited about this project of decorating up my soft toys display unit. Cleaning and organizing my favourite things make me a very happy girl. Can’t wait for it to be completed! 🙂

Izzie the champ

Izzie is 2 months 2 weeks and is growing fast:

– She has graduated from newborn sized diapers to S sized diapers
– She is fast outgrowing her 0-3 months clothes
– She is fast outgrowing her mittens and booties
– She is fast outgrowing her pretty hats
– We no longer swaddle her
– She has graduated to using the bigger Dr Brown’s bottles
– She is almost 5 kg!!!
– She has slept through for more than a week

Proud of this champ!


Cot arrival

We bought a new cot for Izzie and it arrived yesterday. She slept well in it. 🙂
The previous cot given by my friend had two screws missing. We figured it couldn’t last long so decided to invest in a new cot for Izzie. Both Soo Chee and I like the new cot. We hope Izzie likes it too.
