Monthly Archives: September 2012

Super Saturday

Today I singlehandedly brought Izzie to church for the second time. I must say I feel more confident now. 🙂 It was a good time in church TV control room! I miss the control room happenings. Haha. It was kinda soothing when I heard “iso disc is loaded” ;p And to see how people react when there is a “mistake”.

Joanna, Feng, Liling and Karen Chua took turns to carry Izzie. Izzie is such an easy baby. She just likes to sleep when she is out of the home. Karen tried all ways but failed to wake Izzie up. Haha! Feng fed Izzie and Karen showed me how she burped Izzie. Oh a new revelation on how to prevent milk spills on oneself. Hehe.

It’s a great thing to bring baby out to socialize because it releases me from a world of just caring for my little one to a world which I could talk to my friends. It makes me feel that caring for Izzie is not such a heavy job after all. It could be fun and light hearted. Yay!! I am thankful for my friends…

Karen sent Izzie and me home after service. Jus bought me dinner and came to my house with Alicia to have dinner with me. I am grateful for super nice friends!

Izzie has been sleeping since 3pm today and she only wakes up for feeds. Yippie. Sleep tight baby 🙂

Time for a renewal

Tonight I went for a walk alone after dinner. It was a good time for me. I talked to God and realized that I miss Him.

Things have been dramatic for me since June this year and there are so many transitions that I face that I didn’t have time to prepare myself. Yet beyond all the things, God has been always there for me and I am grateful that His grace is more than sufficient for me. In every victory let it be said of me my source of strength my source of hope is Christ alone.

I want to know Him more and I want to love Him more. I pray that I will be a better wife, a better mother, a better daughter, a better daughter in law, a better sister and a better friend. Let me decrease and Him increase in my life. I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.

Outing with media department work zero

Today we brought Izzie to join media department work zero dinner at Old Town East Coast Park. It was a fun time of interactions. I am a happy mommy who got a break coz Fengling was feeding Izzie. Hehehe.


Oops we can’t see Izzie in this picture but trust me, she was there. ;p

As we were coming home, a sense of gratefulness came over me for the ever supportive hubby. I think we work very well together as a team and I am thankful for that. There are times I wish he could do more and there are times I feel resentful but I wanna always remember to be grateful for all that he is doing for me, for Izzie and for this family. We are not perfect parents but we are learning to be great parents. It will not be an easy journey and when it gets stressful, I am glad we choose to laugh over the little ways of Izzie rather than feel helpless and overwhelmed by the demands of caring for Izzie.

Tonight is the night I have an encounter with God and I want to always remember to be thankful for all that He has blessed me with. He has blessed me exceedingly abundantly above all I ask or think!

Milestone 2

Soo Chee excitedly called me to see bub bub this afternoon while I was in the midst of doing something. Then I found out that Izzie has found her own thumb to suck as a form of self comfort. Whee we are proud parents of smart little Izzie! Lol 🙂

Izzie goes to church

I brought Izzie out alone for the first time today and I brought her to church. I prepared and packed the baby bag and dressed Izzie up.

I was nervous and I told Wendy Goh about it. She was so kind to offer to meet me at the taxi stand. She carried the baby bag for me and helped me tighten Ergo baby which was too loose. I sat with her CG at A1. It was an enjoyable time coz Izzie was an easy baby. I prepared milk (Wendy helped me hold the milk bottle) and fed Izzie the moment she woke up. She made a bit of noise but other than that, she was happily sleeping away throughout the entire service.

I went to the media control room after service. There I met two other CHCTVM babies.

Geraldine, Zachary and Isabel and their mommies!

I was caught by surprise when the Saturday team celebrated my birthday. 🙂 Thankful for them.

Jus, Siouling and me went to the airport for dinner. Before dinner, I took Izzie to the baby care room to change her diaper and sat outside TCC to prepare her milk and feed her. During dinner, we took turns to carry Izzie as I did not bring the stroller out. 🙂

It was an awesome time out with Izzie today. Yay!! Thankful for all the support given to me…first time mommy. 😀


This year’s birthday celebration is very different from other years. This year I received the most delightful birthday present, Izzie.


Soo Chee and I brought Izzie out for a dim sum lunch. It was an enjoyable time and I am eagerly looking forward to more family outings. I can’t wait for Izzie to be able to sit on a baby chair.


Treasure the time

I must admit that I did not feel a connection to Izzie in the beginning days because she hasn’t learnt to respond to me. A lot of my friends who are parents told me to treasure this sleeping stage of baby Izzie. At that point in time, I only nodded. In my head, I was just thinking of how tired I was to wake up for Izzie’s night feeds. I can’t wait for her to grow up!

It is only recently that I learnt to treasure this growing stage of Izzie. While she is sleeping, I could get a lot of tasks around the house done especially now that we are on our own. I also discovered that Izzie needs to be cuddled for comfort and security. She calms down when I hug her. The bonding moments with Izzie are precious and I am grateful for the chance to experience this before she grows up too fast.

The sleeping koala

It’s a poooooooop day!

Just before the day ended, I was wanting to change Izzie’s diaper. When I saw a little poop, I sealed her diaper back and waited. She was all calm. She must be done with her business. Furthermore, she pooped 3 times for the day so I thought it’s normal for her to just have a little bit of poo. I proceeded with the diaper change. I was wiping her when some more poo came out. I remained calm and used wet wipes to pick those poo up from the changing mat. Then she pooped some more and MORE…I was so shocked that I screamed and the hubby came running into Izzie’s room. Together, we rescued her from her poop. Oh man, today I felt I just caught her at all the wrong timings. *sweat* Ok mishaps like these do provide some entertainment…

On a separate note, I love the smell of my baby!!! I heard that babies smell good only up to 6 months. After that, they get all sweaty when they start crawling and walking.

Don’t you think she looks like me? 🙂