1st letter from mommy to Izzie

Dear Isabel,

You’ll be turning 1 on 1st Aug 2013. You constantly amaze me by how fast you grow and you constantly bring smiles to me by the things you do. I’ll always remember the little things that you like to do: like stretching your legs straight when you are being changed, lifting your legs up 90 degrees whenever you are on your back, exploring things by scratching them, your funny-looking pout whenever you aren’t happy, squeezing your arms towards each other and “flying” whenever you are excited, and your love for standing and cruising and clapping hands at this phase of your life. Most of all, your smiles and laughter make me feel that motherhood & all its sacrifices are worth it.


My heart aches whenever you are sick, puking and breathless. My heart aches whenever the LPA sling condition is brought up. My heart aches when I know you have to go for the surgery to correct the condition. Yet deep inside there is a peace that I couldn’t comprehend. A peace that everything is gonna be alright. A confession that I was made to say even when you were still inside me. It’s God’s peace which surpasses all understanding. Through the many hospitalisations, I have seen so many babies and children crying, fussing and terrified. But I only saw a brave girl in you. You do not cry unless there is a reason to: like you are feeling really hungry or your poo is making you so uncomfortable or when the thing that you dislike most is being practised on you: suctioning to remove secretions.

From a little baby of 2kg, I have seen you grown to 8.5kg now. From being needing to cradle you, you develop neck muscles, then you learn to sit on your own, then sit up straight then crawl and now you stand tall and proud! You are even taking baby steps! You have grown so much more observant and you are so inquisitive just like how daddy prayed for you to be. Taking care of you is not without its challenges but you have been easy just like how mommy wished you to be that’s why the short form name Izzie. You are happy most of the time and you are a very sociable baby. I am so proud to see you grow and to see you overcome milestones in your life. I enjoy the times I get to spend with you. It is never wasted. Those are bonding moments. You have a gentle and quiet spirit like how I prayed for you to be.

As the day draws to a close, mommy wishes you a LOVELIEST 1ST BIRTHDAY once again. It has been an awesome year with you and I know many awesome years will come. You will grow up healthy, strong, happy, wise and standing under God’s Word. Mommy and daddy love you, Champ Izziebub.




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