I met up for lunch with a fellow mommy friend today. We ordered lunch, caught up and talked. We didn’t realize we could talk for 4 hours non-stop! Hahaha! I’m surprised myself because I have always had difficulty expressing my thoughts and feelings verbally. 
One thing I recognized was that I was seriously deprived of quality, uninterrupted adult conversation and me time. My love language is quality time so that explains a little I guess. The last time I so enjoyed talking and had 5 hours of non-stop conversation was with B at Melt in 2012. 

I’m thankful for the soulful time. It was a great time of sharing our lives honestly and finding courage & hope in moving forward in our lives. 

Isabel is indeed growing up and asserting her voice. 

Last Saturday, she refused to eat her dinner of fishball noodles. We didn’t want her to be too fussy with food so we said if she didn’t eat her dinner, she shall have no milk too. She usually drinks a cup of milk before bedtime. She was angry and fell asleep (in her anger) during our dinner outside. 

When we reached home that night, she asked for milk but we insisted she should not have milk. When we tried to engage talking to her and get her to say sorry, she refused. She went to bed crying but still “no sorry”. She woke up on Sunday morning hungry and asked for milk. After that episode, we reminded her every time she fussed about her food. She seemed to get the message about not being fussy about her food. 

While I wasn’t too happy with her fuss…I’m (also kinda) glad she isn’t just following everything we say. She has a mind of her own. 

Say Hello

 This year’s Chinese New Year brought really good news. We found out that I am pregnant! We were trying for a few months and were overjoyed when the stick showed positive. We like the age gap between Izzie and baby because that means we don’t have to deal with two toddlers at the same time. It’s God’s timing! B did the announcement about my pregnancy to family and close friends.

Almost immediately after we came back from Penang, I started to spot lightly. Knowing I have history and a complicated first pregnancy, I made a decision to call the gynae’s clinic eventhough it was already 5pm and my appointment is actually two weeks later. Thankfully the nurse was helpful, took note of my concerns and told me that the gynae has a night clinic. I was directed to go to the bukit timah clinic at 7pm that day. We made arrangements for my mom to look after Izzie while B and I headed to the gyane’s night clinic.

The gynae was very empathetic. He did a scan and told us that baby looks okay but he didn’t know where the bleeding is coming from. He gave me an injection, some progesterone pills and two days mc. Praise God since then I haven’t been bleeding. Everyday I thank God that I’m experiencing what it means to have a normal pregnancy.

The nausea for this second pregnancy seemed worse but the good thing is that there is no actual vomit. I eat a lot more in this pregnancy than the first pregnancy. A little worried about overeating and weight gain, so I’m trying to control…

It seems so fast. I’m almost entering my second trimester. I’m so glad I don’t feel so lethargic now as during my first trimester. Now, it’s time to prepare for the addition to the family. God is faithful!